
SAT prep has taken over my life, so I haven't had the time or motivation to write. I'll be back to writing on a schedule after April 10th, although I may get some writing in next week because of spring break. Again, I'm sorry for being so inactive, but I hope you guys understand and will stick around! As always, I wish you guys the best, and I can't wait to continue writing for you soon enough xx


SAT prep has taken over my life, so I haven't had the time or motivation to write. I'll be back to writing on a schedule after April 10th, although I may get some writing in next week because of spring break. Again, I'm sorry for being so inactive, but I hope you guys understand and will stick around! As always, I wish you guys the best, and I can't wait to continue writing for you soon enough xx


thank you for voting on my books! xx 


@ximperialqueen ahhh!! that means everything, especially since i just started his account!! i’m ready for your spam lol 


@creativecorbyn how could I not?? Fun is soooooo good and I'm gonna start Ex soon so get ready for more spam haha but you're honestly an amazing writer and I love your books!! xx