
NO!  Who told you that?!  [ You know you do...allow me to demonstrate...*holds fried shrimp to Jesse's nose* ] @Jesse_Johan


Hmm... [ What's wrong Haou?  *in a baby voice* Thinking about Jesse again? ] What?  No!  *looks down* What do you think this is?!  [ A love story...how cute! ^w^ ] Sh...shut up...I don't fall in love.  With anyone.  Period.  [ Uh-huh. ]  I don't!  It's not in my nature!  I don't need anyone ruling by my side, and that's the end of it!  [ ...uh-huh. ] Shut your mouth. -_- [ No. :3 YOU'RE TOTALLY CRUSHING AREN'T YOU, HAOU?! ]  I AM NOT!  *punches Admin in the mouth* [ O-ow... ]


Madeline, stop hacking me -.- [ ...Anyway, heading to Italy on Friday, but sick today so...sleeping :3 ]  Oh, and if ANYONE hacks this account again, I will KILL them, bring them BACK to life, then KILL THEM AGAIN.  [ Calm down, Haou...unless I can use my guns :3 ] Fine... [ YAY!!! ]


Okay, look.  I know things have been really screwed up and sad.  But it's not just for all of you, okay?  It's been a really tough three weeks.  I feel like my insides have been torn out of my body, frozen, and microwaved.  Sometimes I really just don't have time.  I get caught up in my own problems and...God, forget it I'm being kinda selfish...anyway, I'm taking another leave and probably not coming back so...I'll miss you guys.  Well, Admin will... [ ;-; ]So yeah.  Say your goodbyes.  This account might be gone by tomorrow morning/evening.