
I don't know if anyone is going to see this, because I've been inactive for a really long time. Anyway, I need to know if anyone would be interested in reading a story that isn't really related to Cimorelli? So, if you see this, please let me know


For me it just depends what it is about. 


I don't know if anyone is going to see this, because I've been inactive for a really long time. Anyway, I need to know if anyone would be interested in reading a story that isn't really related to Cimorelli? So, if you see this, please let me know


For me it just depends what it is about. 


So... haha... I'm alive... I know you were all probably hoping I was dead and wishing death upon me for not updating in so long, bUt yOur wiShEs wEreN'T gRaNteD aNd i'M sTilL hERe! I don't really have a great, legitamite excuse this time, except for the fact that I've been suffering a huge lack of motivation, and I'm still just not in a great mental state. So, for now, my updating schedule doesn't apply, and I'm going to be updating when I can. Sorry about that, it's just what's best for me right now... I appreciate your understanding and I'll be back soon :)


I related to the “huge lack of motivation” part and I totally understand you 


@xocimorellixo smh no one wants you dead lol tAkE yOuR tiMe


So sorry to say this guys, but there won't be an update tomorrow... I have a bunch of school work due here in the next couple of days, and I have exams next week to prepare for. It will most likely be published next Wednesday, just to get everything back on track. When I made my schedule I had all of the free time in the world, but it suddenly got a lot harder at school and home life has been a little crazy too, so I sincerely apologize everyone. Go ahead, you can bash me and curse my name if you'd like, it's understandable, considering we're talking Dauren that I'm keeping from you


@xocimorellixo Don't worry about it. Not your fault that your school has exams. I'm sure you'll be great at your exams.        Good luck 


@xocimorellixo you already have exams?? What the actual rip is wrong with your school


We've had a slight delay on today's chapter due to my rOuTeR, who's job is to pRoViDe mE wiTh wiFi, but it diDn'T sUpPlY tHe wiFi... so now my tWo tHoUsAnD wOrd cHaPteR is back down to sEvEn hUnDrEd... I'm fiNe, we're fiNe, it's all gonna be just dAndY *sobs* someonepleasethrowmeoffacliff *sobs again*


Merry Christmas to my followers, and everyone who supports my story! I'm sorry this is a little late, I just got caught up with Christmas festivities today. Anywho, a friendly reminder that I'll have a new chapter out for "When Worlds Collide" tomorrow sometime. So make sure you're following me so you'll get a notification when it's published, because you won't want to miss the Dauren chemistry coming in this one! Comment some of the cheesiest, but greatest pick up lines you've got, and my favorite might make it into tomorrow's chapter ;)


@LaurensFashionTho shhhhh, don't expose meee


@xocimorellixo *steals the pickup lines from your Dauren acc*


Thank you guys so much for over 50 votes and over 350 reads on my story "When Worlds Collide"! I know that's not huge numbers, but it's kinda crazy that my work has been seen by that many people. Having dreamed of being an author as a young, very imaginative child, this would have been insane to me then. Thanks for helping make 7-year-old me's dreams come true! (Kinda, I'm not an actual author, but ya know, close enough) and if you wanna share this story around, I am by no means stopping you ;)


I'm so sorry y'all, the chapter will be up next week on Wednesday. I had some family issues and I've been slam-packed with homework. This week has just not been the best week for me, and will go in the books for one of the worst. I was also involved in an attempted school shooting today, so I'm kind of shaken up. Again, I'm terribly sorry y'all, I feel terrible, but I just haven't had the time to do it, and I also don't want to mess up my Wednesday schedule. So, see you then peoples!


Chapter one of "When Worlds Collide" is complete! It will be up tomorrow sometime, so be ready! (you can follow me on Instagram at @xo_cimorelli_xo, I will be keeping updates on this chapter and future chapters there)


@xocimorellixo I can't wait any longer, so I'm publishing it NOW!


@xocimorellixo i cant wait to see what you can do!!!