
Hello everyone hope you are having a fantastic day so far. Today I went to watch Jurassic World Dominion and let me just say it was amazing. So without any second thoughts I am gonna make a book for it. Yes the series with Elena Uley and her daughter Amara Uley will have Dominion in it. But 2 years ago I made a book called Jurassic Park 3. It had contained the daughter of Alan Grant. So be prepared because after two years Rachel Grant is making her return. 


Hello, @xoxo_natylie. First of all, What'cha doin? When are you gonna post the next chapter of your The Princess of the Monsters? And the movies of Godzilla King of the Monsters and Godzilla vs Kong are on Netflix!


@xoxo_natylie I hope your doing OK today. Here's a quote I found that might 
            inspire and encourage you " You are not alone. You are seen. I with you. You are not alone." - Shonda Rhimes


It's okay, glad to hear it. Anyway, the movies of Godzilla King of the Monsters and Godzilla vs Kong are already on Netflix! you can use those to help with your story.


            I know I am so sorry for not updating on my stories. I have been in a really bad place with my mental health and there have been some situations where my mental health has gotten worse and worse. But I’m in a really good place now so I hope to get back to updating but for now I am trying to get back into a good place


Hey, what's up? 
          I just released book two of my fantasy series. If you have read or voted on the first one though, thank you so much for your support❤️. If you haven't yet or are still halfway into it, i hope you can find enough time and motivation to read through. Here's the link to the more captivating sequel. Have fun reading.
          PS - Book one is still accessible on my profile page if you're a new reader.