
Hey guys! If you're looking for a quick read, check out my new thriller/horror short story Trapped! https://www.wattpad.com/story/195239751


Hey, dear!
          If you're in search for a book, would you mind checking out mine? It's called A-List Suspect and its a romance based thriller novella! 
          Of course you're not obligated to at all, so no pressure. :)
          Any kind of support would be so appreciated though. 
          Have a nice day and stay safe! X


Hi! Of course, I’ll definitely check it out soon!!


Hey guys!!! I'm so so so sorry that I haven't updated in so long! I know I don't like when the books I'm reading aren't updated. I'm not going to give any excuses but I do want to say that I appreciate all of my readers so much! Begging for Forgiveness already has 35 views and I know that might not seem like a lot. But with only 2 chapters that aren't very good, this is a big deal for me!!! I'm working on the second chapter right now and I hope to get it up soon