
I'm back!!!
          	So, after one and a half years, another profile name change, and two days worth of trying to find my story notes, I am very much alive and writing again on wattpad!
          	Obviously, the state of the world right now has left me with a lot of free time on my hands. I know a lot of you have been asking for an update for a while, so consider it done!
          	Expect a Matei imagine in the next few days, and feel free to message or comment any suggestions or questions you may have :)


Hey there.
          I was just hoping you would check out my wolfblood fanfic 'A Wild Wild World'
          I will be thrilled to hear your comments.
          It's just a draft and I just started updating properly.
          I would love it if you could please read and vote.
          I will vote on your books as well.
          Thank you.
          Have a good day/night.


I'm back!!!
          So, after one and a half years, another profile name change, and two days worth of trying to find my story notes, I am very much alive and writing again on wattpad!
          Obviously, the state of the world right now has left me with a lot of free time on my hands. I know a lot of you have been asking for an update for a while, so consider it done!
          Expect a Matei imagine in the next few days, and feel free to message or comment any suggestions or questions you may have :)


hey yall! A new chapter is up in my Matei imagine, go check it out because u won't believe how much writers' block I had to battle through to get it done!
          The next two chapters are being written up and uploaded this week, so stay tuned!
          love you all xx


TA DA!!!!! I'm here, I'm back from my hiatus! I'm literally choosing the worst time to come back, seeing as my GCSEs (life-changing exams if you're not British XD) start in three weeks, but I feel like writing will help.
          My "we're stronger now" fanfic will still be on hold, but expect an update for my Matei imagine very soon
          talk to you again soon xxx


Hey everyone! I hope you're all okay in this terrifying back to school time of year. It's been about a month but I've already had enough of school.
          However I hope this news brightens your day...yesterday I published the first part of my Matei imagine!! I know some of you have been really excited for this, much like myself, so go read it and tell me what you think, cause I'm really proud of this one :)