I'm sorry I never post anything. I have like continuous writer's block. I can write a chapter for a good story idea but then I can never write any more. I have so many good ideas but I just can't put any of them together. I will hopefully write some while I'm on vacation. I most likely will not post anything until school begins in August just so I can have lots of chapters to be able to post just in case I get behind. 
Sorry if that confused you or I messed up in the writing part of it I jumble my words a lot and it confuses some people even me so yeah.
Sorry that was probably jumbled too but I hope you guys are having a great summer.
  • انضمJanuary 6, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
xx_writergirl_xx xx_writergirl_xx Aug 12, 2015 08:34AM
Hello everybody! I ws nominated for the 20 things about me thingamabober by @ObsessiveWaffle so here we go.1)I am like obsessed with Pretty Little Liars2)I love Nutella3)A lot of my friends talk b...
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قصة بقلم xx_writergirl_xx
JC's Night Out (A JC Caylen Fanfiction) بقلم xx_writergirl_xx
JC's Night Out (A JC Caylen Fanfic...
Rickys twin sister Taylor comes to visit for the summer. Jc and Taylor immediatly start falling for eachother...
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