Heya, just a quick little question, do you have a plan for updates, a schedule, or anything of the sort or do you just update whenever you feel like it? Because I love the infamous story but I REALLY want to know if there's a plan for updates or not. Just so I don't glue my eyes to the screen for an hour searching for an update that doesn't exist yet.

@sirkeven100 I'm just doing Asylum, City and Knight. I might do a few in between chapters for the explanation of the in between game moments

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@sirkeven100 i will 100% update and finish this story. I have been writing on and off for the story. I'll probably update the story within a week. I do sometimes take a bit longer sometimes with school and shit, I'm a senior and there's just a lot with what I'm doing after. But I will definitely update and finish the story. On terms of a schedule I don't have one.