Hello loves!
I hope everyone is safe and healthy during these unknown times. I know life, and even the world itself, has been trying and rough. With COVID-19 bringing an unknown fear to us, I only wish the best for everyone and that we please remain safe and follow CDC guidelines! I have been laid off temporarily due to this and after going through some mental health issues, I have finally made writing my stories a priority to you guys. Your constant messages, comments, and responses bring me such happiness that I cannot express. It brings tears to my eyes to read them and I even now share this with my husband, who surprisingly, had no idea about my writing or stories for the 5 years of our marriage. As he has also became a supporter as you all are, he has pushed me to finish this for not only you guys but myself.
I have been working on Chapter 13 and further chapters. Keep yourselves posted on my instagram account @yamanaka0927 to keep yourselves updated as I will share further progress. I am making it a goal to post Chapter 13 by Saturday the latest (EST US).
Please, please, please; stay safe and stay home.
And thank you to those of you who are putting their lives on the line everyday to fight this virus, feed us, and keeping stores stocked, or any further employees who are essential; my heart and prayers go to you all daily.
Until then,