.⸍⠀⠀⠀₍⠀and since sana's joining enstars rpc it's my cue to make a souma
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.⸍⠀⠀⠀₍⠀and since sana's joining enstars rpc it's my cue to make a souma
.⸍⠀⠀⠀₍⠀and since sana's joining enstars rpc it's my cue to make a souma
‘m still sleepy —
you should try and make friends , ming ! ( he told the other , concerned for his social life . though , knowing he was his first brought a great deal of happiness to him ; wondering what else he might be first of . a smile never left his face , as he gazed into the other’s eyes . ) still happy , hehe — you’re so adorable , ming . how can i / not / kiss you ? )):
@hiemsoIa .⸍ mhm ... slowly .⠀ [ *⠀ he pursed his lips , swallowing a lump in his throat for a bit as he felt the other kiss him again . it was fine earlier , but now it just felt more ... how should he put it ... worth panicking over ⠀* ]⠀ you're literally the only person i hang out with , alva . who do you suspect would have kissed me before you , you complete moron ?⠀ [ *⠀ he chuckled , making sure that his tone didn't seem to harsh to the other⠀ * ]
we’ll tread slowly , don’t worry silly . ( he muttered , chuckling to himself as he found the other’s rant quite adorable ; it always was he just doesn’t have the guts to say it out loud . a single glance on the other’s lips made him crave for more kisses , but he held himself back as he knew these things were new for the other . he placed the other’s hand to his lips once again , giving another peck to the soft skin . ) … does that mean i’m your first kiss ? :0
.⸍⠀⠀⠀₍⠀zhiming i keep forgetting your fc is a former cult leader who is married to a power ranger and has three kids w him
don’t — move ! i’m trying to band— .. bandage your silly arm !
@hiemsoIa .⸍⠀⠀⠀₍⠀gay for you :3 ah , is that so ... then i'll s - see you around , bud !⠀ [ *⠀ he laughed awkwardly . scratching the back of his neck , he started walking away , pitter patters over the grass being crushed beneath his feet⠀ * ]
/ NO UR GAYER THSN THESE TWO mhm — ( he quickly nodded , shifting himself to the side so his back faced zhiming . he wouldn’t dare to look at the other with a bright red face — one that he currently has . ) still — still like the vibe here . very chilly ,,
@hiemsoIa .⸍⠀⠀⠀₍⠀POINTS AND LAUGHS GAY crII [ *⠀ embarassment flushed all over the bluenette as he nodded . he shamed himself for his actions , his back still at the friend ... friend that he just kissed on the forehead⠀ * ]⠀ yeah , i guess i better get going ... you gonna stay there ?
zhiming , i didn’t mean it !!
@hiemsoIa .⸍ of course . you can hand him a billet and he'll forge the most exquisite craft just for you , according to your specifications . but master zhang's works are a noble craft . are you going to be training further than just playing with it ?
@ycesrin claymore — ( the brimming excitement he felt was quickly held back ; though his eyes sure do shine from the thought of having his own weapon – other than a bow of course . ) can .. can i really get my own claymore from him ?? : D
be honest ; would pyro suit me ? / MWAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAH
@hiemsoIa .⸍ [ *⠀ truth be told , he did not much have planned ; he was just opposed to the fatui in general .⠀ * ]⠀ well i'll be out travelling teyvat ... and uhm ... well there's inheriting the family's business and ... uh ...
@ycesrin eh ? join you ? ( he raised an eyebrow ; quite intrigued . ) compared to the fatui , what would you offer to me if i / do / plan to join you ?
@hiemsoIa .⸍ do not underestimate me . i will be training as well for the match that's too come .⠀ [ * ⠀the boy stifled a laugh , patting the other at the shoulder⠀ * ]⠀ just know that if the harbinger business doesn't work out , you're always welcome to leave the fatui and join me instead .
/⠀⠀⠀ cb + mood ??⠀ org and lc verse both works dw
and what exactly, was the purpose of drenching me?
@cethosias : ⠀⠀ it was an instinctive response ,⠀ i'm sorry !!⠀ / you /⠀ should not have been creeping around in the first place .
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