
श्री कृष्ण गोविंद हरे मुरारी, हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा ॥ 


Guys, I'm not even kidding, when I say I got some magical power or something.
          So, a few days ago, I really felt like having an ice-cream, and I told my mother about it, but neither of us were willing to go out and buy it, so I left it there, but then that very same night my father brings home ice-cream, and neither my mom nor me told him to do so.
          So, yesterday I do the same thing. I tell my mom I'm craving ice-cream and just as a joke tell her that my father will definitely bring some on his way home. And guess what? HE DOES!! 
          So, now I've this magical power of manifesting ice-cream. 


@yehjawaanihaideewani okay now I'm gonna manifest ice cream 


Covid + depression + bad day + period cramps. And it hasn't even been 2 weeks into 2022. Can it get any more worse?


@yehjawaanihaideewani I'm so sorry to hear that, how you doing now?


I'M UNSUBSCRIBING!!!!! ( ・ั﹏・ั)( ・ั﹏・ั)


@_EarlyBird_ unfortunately I did... And yeah I'm doing fine just sore throat and a little fever. 


@yehjawaanihaideewani wait did you get covid ? Hope you are doing okay ?


Have any of you ever read a sentence in a book that you related to such an extent that you stare at it for over half an hour and keep replaying that sentence in your head over a thousand times?
          Because I just did. I was reading 'Turtles all the way down' and two sentences so far really resonated with me. 
          1. I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.
          But the one that brought tears to my eyes was the one below. And I'm literally not even kidding you when I say that this was honestly what I kept thinking the last few weeks and when I read the EXACT SAME thing it felt like.... i just can't describe it. 
          2. It felt like I was watching the whole thing from somewhere else, like I was watching a movie about my life instead of living it.
          What are some sentences that you read that made you feel that way?


2 months ago I decided to refrain from this attempt of my exam as I was and am still struggling with my mental health. For an over achiever like me it was a very difficult decision. This 3 month break made me feel a lot of things including guilt, anger, loneliness, worthless etc. Watching my friends I felt like I put a pause on my life, this 3 months felt like 3 years to be honest. And many told me how I was running away and was not brave enough, but to them I just want to say that the decision to skip this attempt took me more courage than it would've taken to write the exam not giving my best. I knew I would've atleast got passing marks but then I would've not been satisfied with it, I'm a person who would either do things to my ultimate best or not do it at all. So, by choosing to skip this attempt I choose myself over what others wanted of me and do I regret it? Not in a single moment. So people prioritise your mental health, please. 


@avoxwrites thanks for the support. And I really hope we all can collectively lift this stigma surrounding mental health someday


kudos to you for putting yourself first before anyone/anything else. i’m sure it wasn’t easy & i know i wouldn’t have been able to do it. coming from a south asian background, i know that mental health has a huge stigma and for you to prioritize mental health is huge!! thank you for sharing <3


@yehjawaanihaideewani And anyone in need to talk about anything or everything my message box is always open.


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Physical health is as fucked up as Mental health. I think I have depression (self diagnosed) and today I told my mother that I wish to see a psychiatrist as it's not getting any better and now it's probably been 3 months and also my doctor says that my blood reports state that I'm very close to having arthritis. So yes 2021 has been the best year!!