
@aspecialdeath That sounds amazing in all honesty. 


For those of you who are wondering what a 'Glitch' if you look at my story by that name, a 'Glitch' is a controlled once-human, who can see his/herself living their life, through their eyes, yet they can't control their actions or doings. They hold emotion, but cannot let it show. So they remain monotone and only follow orders that are given to them, or programmed into them. They're not quite robots, nor zombies, nor even brain dead. But simply humans who have lost the ability to control their body. Glitches are known for being extremely lonely on the inside, and sometimes can even malfunction from their inner self fighting against the outer. Thus leads to the 'Creator' having to 'remove' them from the situation, which in most cases mean death.
          Hopefully this helped a little bit, I'll explain farther as the story continues. I'm currently writing Chapter Two, but I'm just extremely lazy xD


aha, I just deleted my most popular story. Oh well. c;


@idfwexs Didn't like it, was kinda embarrassed by it.


Heh...sorry I haven't been on in a while. Few things I should mention.
          I've deleted the sequel to 'Tied Down'. I've kinda gotten over R5 xD sorry for not telling you guys. I still like them and all, I just can't find any inspiration to keep writing about them. I'm in a whole bunch of new fandoms and I hope you can all accept that heh. I'm now 14, and my writing style has changed quite a bit from 2 years ago so yep. Enjoy.