


heyyyyy i feel like i haven’t been on here in forever however it literally hasn’t even been that long. anyways guess who’s done with high school!!!! hopefully that means i have more time to update especially since i’ve been slacking lately but i also sort of have a busy summer. 
          oh and the amount of plot holes that legends of tomorrow has is very infuriating. the one i’m currently befuddled by is jefferson’s age. so in ep 12 it says he was born in 1993 which means he would be twenty three in 2016 but after rewatching the fury of firestorm in the flash that episode happened two years after jefferson graduated so he would be twenty but then legends occurs a year later so then that would make him twenty one… right?? HOWEVER in fail-safe in legends stein says that jefferson shouldn’t drink bc he isn’t quite twenty one (i know this solely could’ve been written for the humor) but i think i’m just gonna stick with him being twenty bc that’s what i’ve been using and it makes him closer to age in elle. so in the last two chapters i’ve published i’m gonna fix it.
          anyways, i know i just wrote a lot so hopefully that means i can go write for solar!! see ya, loves <33