
so hi guys, I guess I'm not going to be able to write my stories without the reads. I need something. Something as a reminder that it's worth it. Something to keep me going, but so far, nothing's really happening. Please help me? ):
          	- chloë x


Hello to my new couple of followers!
          Let me introduce myself;
          My name is Chloe and I am Australian.
          This is probably gonna put you off straight away but I'm 13
          My birthday is the 24th of March.
          I surprisingly finish my work in class so I get less homework than everyone else so I can spend more of my time writing for you guys
          I have recently started a book called “World War Zero” and it's not like it sounds. It's actually set in the future so everything to do with technology and everything else is majorly improved and the main character is a teen girl in high school when they are attacked and I'm not telling you anymore so you can go and read it
          I am currently writing the 2nd chapter if you're still interested and pleasssssseeee, I am begging you, to recommend this book to others. I will love you forever if you do
          Well thankyou for your time and hopefully you enjoy my new story.