
Baby girl I'm always thinking of you I miss you so much every day I wait for you on here and on toram I love you so much baby girl I'm always going to love you. I want to marry you and be with you and grow old together and have a family with you when we are married I pray and hope you still want to be with me. I'm never going to move on in going to wait for you you're the love of my life you're the one for me I love you Emily I'm always going to love you I miss you so much baby girl and I love you so much with all of my heart *hugs you really tight*


Every day i think of you baby girl i miss you every day im always going to love you baby and im going to wait for you i really want to be with you baby girl message me when you can baby girl ill be waiting for your message i love you so much


Oh my gosh you play ToramOnline too!


@CloudKun2 ok cool I'm going to see if I can add you


@Shu_Ano ikr? My name in game is Cloud2


@CloudKun2 ^_^ wow I'm so glad it's hard finding people who play this game