
…I disappeared again
          	I’m sorry! I’ve been struggling in an abusive relationship and I was broken up with three weeks ago. Before, that, I was in isolation because my mum and stepdad had COVID (I am blessed to not have gotten it in those seven days) and my grandad got COVID.
          	I am now in year 10, and in Australia that means I am in my first year of senior school. So basically, this is where it starts to matter. But I really want to get back to writing fanfiction. I want to finish ‘When Will This Be Over?’ I love the story line so much and I know y’all will too. But you just need to continue being patient. I love you guys so much and I’m trying, I promise <3


@z1zi14 don’t pressure yourself to do anything you don’t want to and take all the time you need, just make sure you take care of yourself. <3


…I disappeared again
          I’m sorry! I’ve been struggling in an abusive relationship and I was broken up with three weeks ago. Before, that, I was in isolation because my mum and stepdad had COVID (I am blessed to not have gotten it in those seven days) and my grandad got COVID.
          I am now in year 10, and in Australia that means I am in my first year of senior school. So basically, this is where it starts to matter. But I really want to get back to writing fanfiction. I want to finish ‘When Will This Be Over?’ I love the story line so much and I know y’all will too. But you just need to continue being patient. I love you guys so much and I’m trying, I promise <3


@z1zi14 don’t pressure yourself to do anything you don’t want to and take all the time you need, just make sure you take care of yourself. <3


I’m sorry again. I am going to finish ‘When Will This Be Over?’ I’m just not sure when. It’s difficult to look after myself as well as keep a book going. But I promise I have not given up. Thank you for all the support!


@z1zi14 I hope you are doing okay! Remember to take your time and you put yourself first:) Wishing you the best!


@ z1zi14  I know you can do it. Take your time for continuing with the book


I have not given up on ‘When Will This Be Over?’! School has just gotten in the way and I do not have any time for myself anymore. I promise that when I can I will pick it back up which will probably be on my holidays in three weeks. So do not think I will not finish the book because I will!


@z1zi14 i can't wait to read the upcoming chapters! Take care of yourself amd I wish you much luck with school work :D! 


@z1zi14 Yay, i look forward to more of your amazing writing!


i know ten followers isn’t much, but it seems like it to me! i am so so grateful for all the support on every single chapter i put out. i can’t wait to write more for y’all to enjoy! i love each and every one of you so much. once again, thank you 


@Romila11 thank you so much!


@z1zi14  your stories are amazing! You totally deserve all your followers


can i please have story ideas? i haven’t had internet for a month and now i really wanna write something but idk what. PLEASE let me knowwww


ahhhh! this definitely seems like something i will have to think about once i finish my book


@z1zi14 If your still taking ideas then maybe a oneshot about a prank war in the unit? Just an idea, I don't know if you are still accepting prompts.