critical thinking

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it was a bright, sunny day- just kidding; a grey, cloudy one. little rain drops hit against the window sill, right outside Sebastians room. the half-white, half ginger cat steers awake, opening his blue eyes. it was another depressing autumn day, the feline stretching his paws out and letting out a small yawn.
  he turns to the right side, eyeing the clock on his bedside table.


Sebastian's eyes widen as he quickly shuffles out of bed, realizing he woke up late. he was supposed to be at work by 8. he jumps out to the floor, his leg getting tangled in the bed sheets, briefly experiencing some vertigo from suddenly standing up. as he speedwalked to the bathroom, he grabbed his formal, white button-up and his dark blue pants. entering the bathroom, he stares at himself in the mirror briefly, quickly then getting a toothbrush with some toothpaste and stuffing it in his mouth, while trying to wash up some with his free hand.

putting on the shirt, probably missing some buttons on the way, and quickly wiggling into the pants, he ran to the kitchen, tripping over the random junk on the floor, as his apartment was quite messy. hurriedly he grabbed a piece of bread, stuffing it into the toaster, impatiently tapping on the counter. getting a piece of bologna from the mini-fridge, that otherwise beared no good food.

as he heard the ding of the toaster, he took the now crispy, browned bread, burning himself slightly as it was still fresh and hot, stuffing it into his mouth. he grabbed his bag and left the apartment, not forgetting to close the door. passing by the familiar places, he gets to the bus stop, where eventually a bus comes, which he gets into.

Sebastian arrived to his workplace thankfully only a couple minutes late, slightly disheveled, his clothes still not ironed properly and his fur messy. he took his paw and licked it, running it over his white furry head, smoothing some of his whiskers out too.


eventually break comes around and Sebastian, having taken nothing for lunch today, heads to the canteen, ordering some coffee and a sandwich to help him stay awake. an app that Sebastian had recently downloaded onto his phone, maybe for reassurance, maybe just for fun, was tinder. his lackluster description and his half-assed photos showed that he clearly didn't take the app seriously. no one takes dating apps seriously, right?

that's what Sebastian thought, until his fingers reached for the app, as if it was calling for him. he couldn't resist pressing on the shiny, red icon on his mobile. the loading screen loaded in, showing the many empty, meaningless conversations he's had with other creatures on the app. Sebastian decided to click on the swipe icon, a slight hope of finding some other attractive being to give him a chance.

first, a buff, hairy wolf with the name Sergey shows up, Sebastian wasn't quite sure about him, as the purely dominating energy was too intimidating and off-putting to him. Sebastian figured out that he maybe was more into less dominant creatures. next, a white dog named Jamie. Jamie was quite pretty, with his white, long fur and shining brown eyes. Sebastian decided to swipe right on him, as he seemed quite approachable and friendly.

he's been swiping like that for minutes now, the lunch break approaching the end, when finally, Sebastian feels like he's hit the gold mine. a long furred brown cat. that may sound average to you, however Sebastian has never seen a more gorgeous being. now, Sebastian himself was quite handsome, but he just couldn't compare to this beauty over here. the cat had these huge green eyes, that shined so brightly Sebastian couldn't help but just fall in love with them. it seems as if he had been staring at the picture of the cat for hours, but then he wiped the drool from his mouth and got the courage to swipe right, just praying to all the possible gods he ever knew that this ethereal creature would swipe right on him too. his name, too. Diego. even the name seems perfect for Sebastian.

he then moved on with his day, finishing up the work. as he got ready to leave and go home, a ding sounded through his phone.

"ugh.. what is it now?" groans Sebastian, visibly tired, until he actually checks the notification. once he does, it seems like time had stopped. everything just stopped. only Sebastians heart hasn't, as it was beating incredibly loudly and intensely. it turns out that Diego texted him. this gorgeous, incredible, fascinating, beautiful, amazing creature texted him? mind-blowing.

it was a simple "hi" but the impact it had was great. Sebastian thought over many possible responses he could choose, however he settled for a "hello". the start of their conversation might've been very simple and hopeless, however it would be a start to something beautiful.

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