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over the last few months the two cats have bonded over every possible topic that they could have. it was like they couldn't stop talking to each other. each morning, a good morning text and each evening a goodnight text.

they could talk like they've know each other for years, even though it's been barely a couple of months. all the details they found out about eachother, like where they live, work, their family and friends, hobbies, pets.
even the little details, like what eachothers favorite candy and favorite season is, favorite movie, everything.

they even enjoy the same music, having made several playlists for each other to enjoy on spotify. bonding over new releases.

it was pretty obvious that eventually, they started planning to meet up, as they lived only a city away from each other. they were both romantics at heart, and wanted to go to a cozy little coffee date at some cafe, since they couldn't do much because of the cold, since it was winter, quite cold.

Sebastian, currently preparing for their meeting, felt very nervous. he hadn't felt this nervous since his last job interview, which was a job he landed anyway, even if it wasn't his dream one. he wanted to be perfect for this date, since he was basically meeting his soulmate as he would call him. Sebastian knew that there was no point in feeling that way, as Diego would accept him anyway, but yet he couldn't help it.

their plan for meeting up was that Diego would take a train ride to Sebastians city and they would meet up at the train station at 11 am and then go to the cafe and hang around the city, eventually coming over to Sebastians apartment. it was usually quite dirty, however he cleaned it specifically for this occasion, it hasnt looked as clean for a while, so it was pretty weird to see it like that. but a good weird. the two planned to get a mini-vacation at work, for 3 days and spend the three days together, Diego living over at Sebastians.

it was also quite scary, because neither of them had ever met a stranger like that, especially from a dating app. but they both knew that it would eventually end up okay. the trust they built up over the months of talking was quite high.


Diego stepped out of the train, waiting for many people to step out before him, but when he finally does breathe the fresh air he feels relief. sadly, he doesn't see Sebastian anywhere though. over the months they had been talking, many of their conversations where during videocalls, so both males were quite acquaintanced with eachothers appearance.

eventually, after standing around a couple of minutes, he feels someone tap his shoulder from behind. his heart beats quickly as he turns around, making eye contact with the cat infront of him. a huge smile spreads over his face, as he leaps into a hug.

"hi." whispers Diego, happily.

"hello." whispers back Sebastian, smiling into Diego's shoulder.

as they pull away, they both can't keep from smiling.

"let's go?" asks Sebastian, reaching for Diego's hand, pulling him in the direction of their planned cafe.

"yeah." answers Diego, grabbing Sebastians hand back and letting him be dragged.


after a long day of just walking around the city, talking about life and also getting some coffee, the two are tired and decide to round up and go to Sebastians house, according to the plan. it was pretty hard for Diego too, as he had his big bag, filled with things and it was pretty heavy to carry around, though it was filled with tasty snacks, so during the trip it obviously became a bit lighter.

the two reached Sebastians apartment, going inside and sitting down at the couch. it felt good to be able to sit and just relax in a safe, homey space.

"hey, i got some beer, you want any?" offered Sebastian.

"yeah, sure." said Diego and Sebastian threw a can his way, while opening one of his own. they sat down next to each other, turning on the tv and sipping the cooled, alcoholic drink.


"Diego, we've been watching this documentary for hours, to be honest i kinda wanna sleep."

"b-but- narwhals!" Diego cutely says.

"you're so cute when drunk," chuckles Sebastian, not even realizing that he accidentally complimented the other, "alright, im just gonna go make the bed and you can stay and watch, okay?" as Sebastian attempts to stand up, his hand is pulled down my Diego.


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