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5 years later

the alarm rings loudly. Diego's eyes snap open, as he rapidly jumps out of the bed, not being careful to wake up his partner on the other side. the slightly chubbier, white cat grumbles from being disturbed from his peaceful slumber.

Diego stretches his paws up and yawns, though the excitement taking over. a big smile crosses his face, as he looks over to his boyfriend, who was still slightly grumpy, running over to the other side of the bed, kissing his cheek.

"good morning, sleepyhead, you know what day it is, right?" he whispers, excitement and joy underlying in his tone.

"mmm?" hums back Sebastian, his eyes slowly opened, as the realization hit him. "oh my god." he quickly sits up, regretting it, as his head spins and his eyes go dark for a second, looking at Diego next to him, his heart filled with joy.  "we're gonna go get Nisha." he says with a bright smile. finally, the two cat dad's have been waiting for this moment for years upon years, and finally getting the approval to adopt a little kitten was just the best news to them. the years of hard work, many piles of papers and documents, endless tests later, their little girl is finally gonna be with them.

"let's go get ready, we have to leave soon."


the two cats walk out of the big house, being instantly greeted by the sunshine and wet pavement. it had been raining before, however the sun warmed it all up. the flowers blossomed, the grass was green and lush and the trees were filled with life, the leaves shuffling with the spring wind. the forest surrounding the cottage felt welcoming and warm, filled with life.

the pair moved to this house after realizing that the grey, dusty life of the city wasn't for them. both Sebastian and Diego had similar interests and moving in together in cozy cottage in a forest was one of them. they didn't have many neighbors, however the ones they did were welcoming and generally wholesome old people.

in here, Sebastian could live out his artistic passions, be connected with nature and just feel happier. he unleashed his inner potential, that was hidden by his office job that he had before, the one he continued working in, afraid of taking risks, stuck in a depressive routine, in hopes of someday making it. when he met Diego everything changed, they both just clicked. almost as if their souls were connected somehow. they drew out the best in each other, becoming better people, doing better deeds, just generally living better. it was clear to both of them that they were meant to be and nothing would ever change that.

what would ultimately make their bond even stronger, is a kitten. one, they were on the way to get today. a little three year old girl, with pretty, expressive blue eyes and a toothy smile that could brighten anyone's life. black, shiny fur and long, white whiskers. a periwinkle blue room had been made in the cottage. it was filled with pretty pictures decorating the walls, lots of toys and picture books put in it as well. the color of the room matches the color of her eyes, which is why Diego and Sebastian thought it would be perfect.


"daddy, papa!" the three year old child let out a yelp of excitement, as she noticed the two come, and ran into their arms.

"Nisha-" fondly said Sebastian and Diego just smiled, holding the other mans paw. however they quickly seperate, letting in the little girl go between them, each of the parents holding a paw of their own.
finally, the documents have been signed, Diego and Sebastian are officially parents of Nisha.

as they happily rode home, Nisha told them about this girl she really like and how they got along well and we're the bestest of friends. hopefully someday they would ever meet again, but that is a story for another day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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