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"You shaved!" I grin at Nick as he comes down the patio steps showered and covered in a new set of boring clothes.

"Like the garden?" He asks, getting closer to me.

"I don't remember the pillars." Four stone pillars surround a generous patch of garden in a rectangle with shallow stone steps leading to a small fountain. It's all very retro.

"They are new, added for more privacy as well as more greenery." Nick points to the sprawling green vines bridging the pillars to the outer wall.

"Sit with me, right here." I pat at the step  below.


"To hug you from the back."

Nick smiles and lowers down. I lean on the pillar and make him lean on me. He chuckles, "I'm heavy."

"Shut up. Where is Buffy?" I drape my arms over his shoulders and press my cheek to his. Freshly shaved cheeks are the best in the world.

"Loading the dishwasher. He has manners. Unlike someone who refuses to pick his plate and wipes jizz in his host's bedsheet."

"If you keep comparing my habits to his I will..." I can't think of a threat right away because he is getting hold of my knees and extending my legs on his sides. I kind of forgot that he always does these little things. Correcting my limbs, arms and neck when I act as my sloth self.

"You will…?"

I push his shoulders away remembering why I am cross. "When your maid comes in next, I'll go to the kitchen naked and stand in front of her!!"

Nick starts laughing. Like, it's the best thing he has heard in months. Maybe it is. Who is here to entertain him like me?

How the fuck was he living all alone?

"Why didn't you call?" I ask the question I have been asking myself everyday since he has left.

He abruptly stops laughing and pulls my arms back around him.

Well, well.

Buffy thought that my rubbish teenage horny song was not worth sharing. It has done its job now. Didn't it?

"Did you miss me very much?" I ask and place my feet in between his giant thighs. If he gets up now I'll be riding his back like a monkey.

He nods and leans his head on my chest.

I'm dead.

Like, how did that happen? If I had known all it would take him to lean on my chest was this separation I would have done it… I don't know… it is not that easy. I sigh and rub my nose on his jaw.

"Was it really bad? Did you write my name on toilet walls?"

He doesn't laugh. "I should have called. I'm sorry. It is stupid. I didn't know what to say."

"You should talk. With the people you love. If not, Buffy will lecture you."

He chuckles. "His lectures are good."

"Ew. You didn't hear them day in and day out. But not knowing what to say is no excuse. If you had called I'd have talked for both of us."

His fingers gently brush against my knuckles making me glue to his body. Sex is definitely not enough. There is so much of him. Like beyond sex. Like so much Nick to explore beyond his carrot.

"I thought missing you was bad. But when I thought of calling you it somehow made the missing worse. But not talking to you was the worst. Sorry."

"Good. But I already forgave you."

A Triad With Ash Minor (MxMxM) Where stories live. Discover now