Ash: Love You Like You Do

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"Get rid of your clothes."

"Why? Why did you suddenly cancel the recording?" There is worry in his voice. He is always worried. Not like Nick. Buffy is different.

Often I end up comparing them involuntarily. Whatever Buffy does, I bring up Nick's equivalent and start missing him. Mostly I wonder how awesome it will be to experience both together. Today, I'm trying something I have nothing to compare to.

"Undress and come here."

"Ash..." He takes my hand and pulls up my chin.

"I want to talk." I say meek as a mouse.

Seduction is not my forte. I accept my defeat. Man, I don't know how people seduce. I have to rely on the human body and its average hormonal chain of reactions.

"Okay?" His fingers rub my cheek in soft strokes. My eyelids close in response.

My voice croaks when I try to speak. He is a witch. I open my eyes and shake off his spell and move back from his witchy fingers.

"Cuddle and talk. Like that night. You can keep your boxers. But nothing else."

His eyebrows shoot up. "What if someone needs me?"

"You are taking today off. Corey is doing your shift. Just come here already."

He starts unbuttoning his shirt without further comment. Buffy has changed for better. There was a time I had to wrestle him to get a proper hug. Now? I just have to ask. Well, multiple times. Still. Better.

I busy myself by grabbing the blanket and arranging the pillows. I'm nervous. I'm standing atop of the tallest mountain of nervousness. I have done my homework. Still I can't shut off my eager nerves.

When I turn back, Buffy is bare waist up and thigh down.

That body. Those boring boxers.

Good thing my nuts are as dry as desert.

"Sit here." I push him into the pillows and settle over him.

"Did something happen?" He asks as his hands claim my back in a gentle caress. It feels marvelous. I pull off my shirt and throw it away.

"I wanted to spend the day with you and talk." I straddle his hips.

"Like this?" He pointedly looks down at my hips. Naked hips. The shirt was a ruse. I'm not wasting time on removing clothes on top of everything else.

"Hmm hmm." I slightly rock my bare ass back and forth.

His eyes shutter close.


I slowly lean my upper body over his and kiss his chest.

"I thought we were gonna do some talking." He whispers. His neck elongates when my fingers trace his throat.

"We are getting there."

He is definitely getting there. He is growing and growing under my butt.

"Should we close the blinds?" He murmurs.

It's a bright, sunny day. The light through the patio window is bathing us on the bed.

"No. What do you think about exhibitionism?"

He stops my rocking. "Is someone outside?"

I laugh and kiss his chest and resume my moves. "No. Hypothetically if someone is on that chair, watching us, would you be into that?"

"Not at all."

"What if it is someone you have a crush on?"

He flips me in a blink of an eye and my head lands on the pillow.

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