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Ash: Crisis!

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Ash: Crisis!

Gino: what kind?

Ash: hug

Gino: hug?

Ash: how to get a hug?

Gino: From Kira? You won't.

Ash: No, not her. But why?

Gino: You insulted her on TV.

Ash: For the last time, it wasn't telecasted. Also I told that I liked her boobs!! That's not insult!!!

Gino: it's the context and you know it!

Ash: Stupid tv ppl should stop asking me about other artists and their dumbass albums.

Gino: you could have said literally anything about any song of hers!! HOW CAN YOU TALK ABOUT HER BODY!!!

Ash: Forget Kira. I texted you for something important!

Gino: smh. You want hug from someone who is not Kira.

Ash: yes.

Gino: what's difficult about a hug?


Gino: FINE! what have you tried till now?

Ash: I subtly asked, directly asked.. I even tried initiating the hug. Nothing worked. :'(

Gino: Did you try begging?

Ash: will it work?

Gino: OH!!! Now I'm curious.

Ash: don't be.

Gino: You are ready to beg! That will make anyone curious. Why hug? Is she a granny?

Ash: hahahaha.

Gino: tell me who

Gino: Ash?

Gino: who is she?

Gino: get her into bed. Show your sexy moves. Ride her on a long journey to the top of the hill. Stay on your knees. Be her dog, lick her till she forgets her name. After that you can beg for a hug. Who would say no?

Ash: absolutely the worst idea ever.

Ash: Wait...

Ash: Is this from your fanfic? Is this what I do to your heroines?

Gino: yes. The new one. You work in a church. You convince a girl who wants to be a nun to sleep with you. To show her the pleasures of the body you become her sex pet.

Ash: you are dead.

Gino: what's wrong? It's getting great reviews.

Ash: get lost.


Ash: how to make someone hug me?

Nick: give us time to solve one scandal before you start another.

A Triad With Ash Minor (MxMxM) Where stories live. Discover now