Chapter 5.

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"...... I promise you once you get caught I'll make sure you never see the bright light of the sun again." The threatening voice emits from the tv echoing in the house earning chuckles and scoffs.
"Feisty." Jaehyun remarks taking a bite of his omelette.
"This is the woman you'll be facing tomorrow. Good luck."Doyoung pats Jaehyuns shoulder acting sympathetic making him roll his eyes.
"She's all talk." He scoffs.
Just as Doyoung was about to speak up, Kai walks in with his two trusted men, making them get up and bow in respect.
"She's not all talk." Kai responds to Jaehyun's remark and slams a dark blue file on the table resulting the breakfast kept on it to splatter everywhere.
"What's this?" Jaehyun asks ignoring the mess Kai had caused , on the other hand Doyoung picks up whatever is left off his omelette ,pouting at it while twisting his fork.
"She's not all talk, Kim y/n , aka dear cousin, is indeed a feisty one , she's hot headed , arrogant, selfish and doesn't trust people easily, just like her father. However just like her father's weakness is money, her weakness is her father , and both father and daughter will do anything to protect their weaknesses." Kai explains .
"That still doesn't answer my question, what is this?" Jaehyun asks picking up the blue file.
"In order to get to her father we,specifically you, need to earn her trust first in tomorrow's interview. Open the file."
As ordered Jaehyun opens the file , his eyes going wide, as he is greeted by a bunch of pictures and information upon going through the pages. Kai chuckles at the younger's expression.
"This is everything you need to know about Kim y/n in order to break through her sheilds tomorrow. It's not an easy task but if executed right , it will be a game changer for us . That's why I advise you to go through it all by tomorrow morning." Jaehyun nods at Kai's suggestion, knowing it was just another one of his orders decorated as a friendly suggestion.
Jaehyun forces his eyes open as they threaten to shut and takes another sip of his fifth mug of coffee, sighing loudly as he checks the amount of pages left in the file. He looks at the time , gasping as he learns that he has been reading about someone else's life for almost four hours now.
He shuts the file , knowing he had learned enough for the small interaction tomorrow.
He shuts off his big light replacing the darkness with a small lamp light and turns over almost shutting his eyes when he comes face to face with the picture he avoids looking at the most. He tries to remove his eyes off the small cracked frame picture hidden away behind his expensive perfumes and lotions, but the innocent boy looking back at him captivates his interest as he gets up and walks towards it picking it up.
The innocence in the young boy's eyes and the smiles decorating his parents faces results in a tear trickling down the older's face. He looks at  his younger self than back at up the mirror, comparing the faces.
The young fresh faced boy with soft skin and a bright smile mocks the older miserable looking boy with bruises and cuts all over his face. The older looks at the youngers parents , tracing his fingers around their silhouettes trapped behind the frame, his heart aching for them to just come out and whisper sweet nothings to their son and tell him how they're proud of him and how it's all going to be okay.
"If you hadn't left me all alone, if you had taken me with you. I would not be in this mess right now ." He lets out a shaky breath as flashbacks of his family's accident greet his already tired brain, making him stumble back as he grabs his head.
Opening his drawer he takes out the almost empty pack of cigarettes and brings one to his mouth ,grabbing the lighter and heading out to the balcony.
He lets the smoke out with a huff , breathing heavily. Although the strong smell of cigarette was never liked by him, he was addicted to the feeling of the strong ness of the scent attacking his lungs ,making his breathing heavy and eyes watery , it distracted him from his thoughts while bringing him closer to his last day, the day when all the pain in him would finally be gone.
If he hadn't made the stupid promise of continuing to live happily to his parents on their death beds , he would've ended his misery long ago. He was sure his parents wished now that he had died with them rather than becoming what he has become now.
He looks up at the sky, his eyes looking for the two brightest stars, he waves as he finds the brightest shining pair. He puts his two hands up as if surrendering, and looks back at the sky with watery eyes.
"There's still time, before I kill someone, call me to you." He whispers as tears flow down his eyes decorating his pink cheeks.
He sits down on his balcony floor his gaze never leaving the stars , he found comfort in. His mom always told him that when someone close to you dies they become the brightest stars and look over you. He always found the concept so mesmerising and comforting but right now he was the one wishing for it to be not true , not wanting his parent's to see what had become of their little boy.
The ciggerate slides down from his hands as the ashes sting the heel of his foot but he doesn't even flinch. After the death of his parents he was left alone on the streets where he would get beaten up almost everyday so small things like these dont faze him. He was sure that he would still be very much homeless and getting beaten up everyday if it wasn't for Doyoung.
Young Doyoung found young Jaehyun in an alley coughing blood out , he reached out to the boy , backing away as he flinched. He still remembers how miserable he looked telling Doyoung to stay away from him, he tried to appear as strong as one could in that situation but the older still beat him to it , grabbing him and dragging him somewhere unknown.
The younger kept protesting with as much reluctance he could show but soon found him self face to face with his now boss.
He gawked at the interior of the mansion before taking into account the presence of others around him. He felt himself stumble when Doyoung let go of him and found himself in the feet of someone.
Young Kai picked him up eyeing him up and down before speaking up.
"You're a part of us now, you can't say no otherwise I'll shoot you."
This stupid threat is what got Jaehyun into all this mess. He chuckled miserably. If he would've said something than he wouldn't be caught up in all this now but now when he actually wants to say something he's too deep into this mess and who knows kai might actually still shoot him.
As much as he wanted to blame Doyoung for dragging him into this mess, he couldn't as the caring older only wanted to help the injured younger and give him a better life.
Jaehyun wrapped his hands around his body as the cold air hit , his eyes once again threatening to close, with this he looked at his parents once more before falling asleep on the balcony floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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