Chapter 3.

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The loud screams and shouts filled the mansion as all the servants went about their day like nothing was wrong, occasionally flinching at the loud noises of expensive vases being shattered. They all knew better than to interfere what was taking place on the top floor's most isolated room.
"You all are useless!" You screamed at the line of black suited men infront of you.
"We tried our best mam, the opposing force was very strong." One of the bodyguard's speaks up making you glare at him.
"If you tried your best, my father wouldn't be on bed rest right now with a broken hand!" You scream in his face making him look down.
"Who was in the car with my father?"
"It was me,mam."
You walk closer to him, touching his nametag.
"Ah,Park dami." You say before harshly ripping off his nametag from his suit.
"You're fired!" He scrambled quickly , walking out of the room.
You look at the other men, going back to the center of the room. Raising the ripped name tag and dangling infront of their faces before throwing it on the floor and stepping on it with your heel.
"If you don't want to end up like him, do a better job than him." You glare at them.
"I have already started looking for a new personal bodyguard for my father since none of you are worthy of that position after yesterday." They look down in guilt before bowing apologetically.
"Now get out!"
You sit on the wooden chair in the corner of the room, admiring the interior. Your wandering eyes stop at two frames placed on the dusty shelf infront of you as your eyebrows tense.
Picking up the frame ,you smile at the 6 year old you staring back at you as the laughing faces of your mom and dad flash infront of you making you look away and pick up the frame beside it. Your smile turns into a sad one as the 12 year old looks back at you with the same bright smile and the smiling face of your dad displays on the picture but your mom nowhere to be found. Your mom had passed away due to cancer when you were 8 years old, ever since then it's only been your dad and you ,He has raised you with both tenderness of a mom and the sternness of a father and you will forever be thankful to him for that.
Being each other's only family you both were extremely close and couldn't even bare the thought of losing each other,that's exactly why what happened yesterday caused you to have a huge outburst. If anything happened to your dad, you weren't sure what you would do and yesterday when you were first informed of the attack your mind went blank as you couldn't process the information.
Luckily he got out of it with only a broken hand which was okay ,for him, but for you this meant  fliteration of his security team and that's exactly what you did.
You circulated the news of new hires for Kim corporation's owner's personal bodyguard throughout the social platforms with the the help of your company's PR team and with in minutes of the article being published,hundreds of applicants came through.
Not only did you publish the article but also took on the responsibility to interview every applicant yourself, this made a huge buzz in the office as everyone was well aware of your temper and high standards as well as your extreme cautions in anything regard to your father. All this seemed overboard to everyone else but you, as you only wanted the best for him.
Being Korea's fifth most successful business man , owning the most luxurious clothing brand in Seoul,Kim sookhyun obviously had various enemies, be it business rivals to jealous ,backstabbing ,relatives. However until now nobody had ever dared to lay a finger on that man , being well aware of the power he
had. Not until , yesterday. You had to admit whoever it was had a solid plan that only fell through because of the capable security team, if it weren't for them , your father wouldn't even be alive right now.
You walked out of the dusty ,unused room, entering your father's room. You sit beside him, listening closely to his breaths to make sure he is okay. His eyes flutter open as he senses movement next to him , looking at your worried face , he smiles.
"Don't worry, I'm fine now, it's just a broken hand." He pats your head.
"Y/n, I'm fine. My security team did a good job, otherwise I wouldn't even be here right now."
"Dont say that."
"Okay,okay. This was all just so unexpected, I'm aware that I have sworn enemies everywhere in Korea but nobody had ever dared to attack me."
"You don't worry about that, the police are taking care of it. Once they find the culprits , I'll make sure to personally pay them a visit. Till then you stay careful." You hold his hand as he smiles at you.
"Also,father, I will be hiring a new bodyguard for you, these usesless ones aren't enough."
"New bodyguard? What about dami?"
"I fired him"
"What?! Why? , y/n he was the who protected me the best he could." He says getting concerned.
"I know he protected you the best he could but after yesterday's attack you need a bodyguard who can protect you fully, even if it means putting everyone's else's life on line, and unfortunately dami was unable to do that."
"But y/n"
"No buts, father. I have decided you need a new bodyguard and you will be getting one."
He sighs in defeat knowing he can't win against you, making you smile.
"Now , get some rest , I'll be going to the office to get things in check for tomorrow's interviews." He nods , closing his eyes and immediately falling into a deep sleep.
You walk out of the room , going downstairs. You go straight to the dining room, knowing that the one you were looking for would be there and just like you predicted there she was snacking on some candy while watching dramas on her tablet.

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