Part 17 - Department of mysteries

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We got to the ministry of magic and left out brooms before we proceeded into the building. We had to use the visitors entry that was to our surprice still open.

It was dark and cold, everyone was at home. My heart was beating faster and faster the closer we got to the department of mysteries.

I held George's hand as we got into the elevator that was the only light source as far as the eye could see.

Everyone stood in silence as the elevator made its way down. "You okay?" George whispered to me. "I'm scared" I said and looked at him.

"I have to admit that I'm scared, at least we have each other." he said and gave me a weak smile, squeezing my hand tight. I looked at him, I felt safe to have him and the others with me. I hope it's not too late to save my dad if he is in here.

"Department of mysteries" a voice in the elevator said as it stopped and we all got out. I front of us was a long hallway and at the end was a big black, mysterious door. We took out our wands and casted "Lumus" so we could get a better view in the dark.  

The others was walking before me, George and Fred. "It will be alright y/n" Fred said and looked at me. I didn't feel like it was going to be okay, I had a feeling that all this would end in disaster.

We all entered to a quiet and dark room with big shelves that contained big round, white balls. It looked like they were filled with some kind of smoke. We slowly and carefully walked down one of the hallways, paying attention to every sound and figure. There was a loud sound coming from outside causing us all to turn around in panic. George held my hand tight, almost crushing it.

Harry continued to walk down the hall, looking at the shelves and reading out the numbers out loud. We all stood back as we watched him until he stopped. "He should be here" Harry said. I was relieved to know that my dad wasn't here, that he was okay at home.

"Harry! Look, this has your name on it" Neville all of the sudden said and pointed to one off the crystal balls on the shelves.

Harry made his way back and looked at it, before he picked it up. We all watched as he held it in his hands and a voice began to speak out loud quietly a prophecy that none of us could hear except Harry.

"Harry"Hermione screamed and we all turned to the direction she was looking at. A death eater made its way down the hall towards us. I don't think I had never been this scared before in my life. Fred got closer to me and George, looking at his brother.

"Where is Sirius?" Harry screamed as all of us pointed our wands in the direction of the death eater. "You should know how to tell the difference between dreams and reality". The death eater took off his mask, it was Lucius Malfoy, the father of Draco Malfoy.

"You only saw what the dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy" Lucius said and looked at all of us. "If you do anything to us I'll break it" Harry said. A laugh echoed through the room, it was Bellatrix Lestrange with another woman that I had never seen before.

"He knows how to play. Itty bitty baby, Potter" she said and smiled as the two of them walked up to joined Lucius. "Isn't it y/n Black. Came here to save daddy".

I looked at her as she looked at me. Her eyes send chills down my back and I began to have trouble to breath again. The other woman I had never seen before but she looked at me with big eyes.

"Bellatrix Lestrange" Neville said and she turned to look at him instead. "Neville Longbottom is  it? How's mom and dad?" she said and gave him a laugh. "Better now when they are about to get revenged" Neville said and lifted his wand, Harry quickly stopped him from doing anything stupid.

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