the mission

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Some time later at the entrance of Pandemoniom

Damian and raven are further ahead than jaime. But the doorman won't let them in.

Doorman: ID

Damian unobtrusively pulls up his sleeve and shows his angel rune. The bouncer saw it and lets them both in.

Raven: * whispers * you now have a rune.

Damian: yes

Both go in
It's very crowded inside.

Raven: we split up

All three communicate via the communicator that is in the ear

Damian: Jamie Raven and I split up.

Jamie: where will you be

Raven: I'll be upstairs and watch everything from above

Damian: I'm at the very back not far from the private area.

Jaime: I'll be next to the bar and check out kory's theory.

All three are in the places and are watching everything.

But someone is rejected

Isabel: such a handsome boy and still all alone today must be my lucky day.

Issy is now standing in front of Damian in a white, tight-fitting dress the couple
Inches above your knees.

Damian: issy, I feel flattered, alac sent you

Isabel: he's here too and you're alone

Damian: no with two colleagues

Isabel: alac are taking care of one right now, you are helping out with the others.

Damian: that's why I'm here, who is it

Isabel: you see the group in the corner on the couch.

Damian: yes

Isabel: They're going to be in the back room with the next victim.

Damian: the plan is

Isabel: we go in first, but a different way so that they don't notice us.

In the Titans Tower

Dick and Kory are sitting in the meeting room and are watching everything through the surveillance cameras.

Dick: okay everyone is in and has split up.

Kory: hey who is the girl who went to see Damian in the white dress. They talk and now they go away.

Dick: if you look closely you can see that she not only said something but also showed him something. I think he knows her

KORY: Do you think she knows something.

Dick: I'm sure she has enough information.

At jaime

I sit at the bar and notice that a group get up and go to the back at the same time. I look back but can't find Damian anywhere where he is.

Jaime: Damian where are you a group is going straight in your direction. Damian Damian can you hear me. Damn Raven I can't reach Damian you try

Raven: I can't reach him either

With Damian and Isabel

Both made it into the room unnoticed.

Damian: and what's the plan

Isabel: here * gives him a dagger *

Damian: I don't kill

Isabel: Neither do we with that we send the demons back to Hell. But you're right, my job is to find out who's behind it.

Damian: That's why I'm here too, but why did you give me the dagger when the plan is to be brought to life from the start.

Isabel: I wanted to see your reaction

Back in the tower

Kory: who is that girl and

Before kory can finish her questions she is interrupted by a phone call.

Dick: it's jaime * assumes * Jaime you have any problems.

Jaime: yes Damian has disappeared and not me or raven saw him.

Dick: we saw him go out with someone and we haven't seen him anywhere since.

Raven: which way did you go.

Kory: private areas

Jaime: raven you stay upstairs and I'll go look for Damian.

Raven: come upstairs and I'll go find Damian.

Jaime goes upstairs and Raven goes downstairs to the private area.

Thought connections

Raven: Damian where are you

Damian: I met someone and she helps me to catch the demons. She is a friend of Magnus.

Raven: Dick and kory saw you went out with a girl. And I have to go checked now.

Damian: I can't go to you now, the perpetrators are coming.

End of thought connections

With Damian and Isabel

Isabel: they're coming

Damian: I'm ready and how long have you been here

Alac: for 10 seconds

The group comes into the room. You did not notice the unexpected guest and bring a girl about twenty years with dyed blonde hair and a red dress.

Isabel: she's passed out

Alac: well then we have to explain less

Damian: what's the plan

Alac: we're waiting for the perfect moment

Isabel: when the victim is laid down and she's distracted.

You sit for about two minutes until you hear a loud bang from the outside and then screams follow.

Isabel: what's going on there

Damian: we have to intervene now

Alac: Damian is right

All three jump out of their hiding places and attack the group. Everything went well, they beat the whole group but one of them hadn't passed out and managed to go unnoticed. But before he lost consciousness, he bites Damian's arm.

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