Curses/ Insults/ Threats

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First and most importantly: I give you a list of Elvhen curse words and insults

Bellanaris Din'an heem- i will kill you.
Translated by yours truly.

Dirthara ma- may you learn.
Translated by yours truly.

Fenhedis lasa- fuck you.
I'll go into more depth with this one. It is a little rough since directly, fenhedis means shit/fuck. I've found that 'Lasa' is usually used as a pronoun, in this case you, and so: "(Give you shit, You give me shit)/ You give me problems/ I will give you a problem.

Ma harel- you lie/ you are a liar.

Malas amelin ne halam- i hope you become good.
I couldn't find a very good translation anywhere, but this is my translation. In this case, it wouldn't necessarily be a word of encouragement/ hope for improvement with a skill or the like, but an insult. "I hope you become moral." (Implying that the addressed is immoral/ a bad person/ a wrongdoer)

Mar solas ena mar din- your pride will be your death.

Na abelas- you will be sorry/ i will make you sorry.

Na din'an sahlin- your death is coming.

Na melana sahlin- your time has come.

Tel' abelas- i am not sorry.

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