Chapter 4

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"Hey mcgonagall!" Draco yells as you were studying in the common room

"Can I help you?" You ask smiling

"Stop being a little goodie two shoes." He says and you stop smiling

"Look I like to be nice and put up a super nice act because when I'm mean I may roast your ass so badly you'll need to wear a mask to cover your ugly face and personality." You say and Draco was shocked as everyone else was too "Ha you know my mom taught me that being nice should be a given always be nice but you can be mean if the person deserves it now I'm trying to study so kindly shut the fuck up!" You say and Draco was so shocked you went to goody two shoes to this "Stupid blond rat." You mutter as Draco was walking away and he heard you was even more shocked

*What the hell why am I letting her insult me like this? But she is good that I can't think of any comebacks I swear she gets on my nerves so badly I just wanna punch her in the face! Or smack her ugly face* Draco says glaring at you and you smirk

"Wanna snack my ugly face now huh?" You say and Draco was shocked you read his mind "Yes I did read your mind I was born extremely good at it I've always been able to read peoples minds if I want now go away malfoy." You say and he was even more shocked

*What the hell is she? Who the hell is she? I have to find out who she truly is Wait why am I thinking around her she's probably reading my mind!!!!*

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