Chapter 11

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You were in the Slytherin common room and you look over at a portrait of Salazar Slytherin and you just continued to stare

You felt like you knew him, you felt like your forgetting something

You felt like you knew him better then anyone else

But he's been dead for what thousands of years? Why do you feel like you know him? It's the same feeling you get around Hunter it's weird

Suddenly you see what looked like a normal snake slither past but they stop and look at you

You then talk to them and they seemed interested now

You just talk with them not even realizing someone was in the common room already and they were looking at you scared

*Y/n is such a freak honestly like what is wrong with her? She reads minds, she talks to snakes I don't understand why she's such a freak* they think and then you realize who's here

"Oh malfoy your here." You say as the snake was in your hands now as you carry it around and you sit on the couch

"Yeah too bad you exist, your taking up air that I could have used to breath." Draco says annoyed and you roll your eyes

You then pull your wand out and point it at him and he screams and runs and hides

Yeah he's scared of you just doesn't like to show it because he needs to be a tough guy, tough guy Draco can't be scared of little y/n mcgonagall

"Stay scared please." You say and Draco was shocked and confused what? Did you just politely tell him to stay scared of you?

*Honestly I wanna find out who we birth family is then use that information against her, because I bet I could make her do things for me to get it she would basically be like my own personal slave which sounds nice, it would be pay back for her being so rude to me*

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