Chapter 1:

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Erza's POV:

I was out hunting when I saw his blueberry hair. More like fur, actually. The king had ordered me, his best soldier, to go hunt food. It was an old and sacred tradition to choose a person to go hunt for the week-long annual feast the kingdom had in honor of our First King.

I had already gathered multiple pigs and berries. Those were some of the traditional food for our feast, and there was plenty of it in the forest. With my stealth and speed, I pounced on a deer from the nearby bushes, and stabbed him through the heart with my spear. I dragged it back to the pile of food I had already collected.

I was about to head back, but I caught the scent of a very odd thing. I had an unusually excellent sense of smell and hearing. I heard something run past the bushes.

What great luck! Another deer I hope! The king will be proud of such a big hull.

Of course, I went after the creature, which I thought was a deer or some other large animal.

I saw a flash of blue out of the corner of my eye. I followed it. A blue animal was like nothing I've ever seen or heard of before. It would surely make the king give me praise if I caught it. I wouldn't kill it, because who knows what the king would want with it. I wanted to give my leader the option of choosing this creature's fate. I ran where I saw blue. I saw a cave so I went in, thinking it had hidden.

How right I was. It did hide, and when I saw it, it was no deer.

A wolf is what I saw. A wolf, with fur the color of blueberries. It hadn't noticed me yet, and it did the unthinkable. It shifted. Into a human, can you believe it?! I had found some sort of hybrid human wolf! I would become a hero if I caught it and brought it back to the kingdom! Now I definitely couldn't kill it. The king could want it as a pet, or want the honor of slaying it himself. I had to capture it.

I made a noise though. A small noise, but it was loud enough to draw the attention of the hybrid. He jumped back. I was hidden behind a rock, but could see him as clear as day. I've just made myself known.

He turned around and faced my direction, sniffing the air. I just realized that he had no shirt on. Only pants, and he was barefoot. I guess that's the disadvantage when he shifts. I ignored the no shirt area and looked at his face. He had a red mark on his left eye. Well, it was actually right eye, but to me it was his left. You know what nevermind.

I was surprised by the mark. I'm not completely sure, but I think it was an alpha mark. If he was an alpha then he had to have a pack. But where were they?

Are they here, surrounding the cave waiting for me to come out?! Oh god I don't wanna have to fight a bunch of wolves. What if they stole my food pile?! There were strawberries in there! Mira can't make my cake without them!

I panicked at the loss of such a great item. Mira was the head of the maids, and was the castle cook. Her sister Lisanna was her co-cook, and her brother Elfman was a few ranks below me. They've served the king for years.

My thoughts were interrupted by growling. I had forgotten that I was in a cave, hiding from a hybrid. That was stupid. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I can be as dense as Natsu, another soldier who was a companion of mine. I doubt he knows right from left. Which brings me back to which side the hybrid's eye mark is on-

"I know your there," a deep voice interrupted my train of thought.

I shivered. His voice was so deep and commanding. He MUST be an alpha. He growled again. No use in hiding. I came out. He paused.

Wolf's POV:

The first thing I noticed about her? That's easy. Her hair. An uncommon scarlet shade, long hair, and silky by the looks of it. As a wolf, an alpha even, I had excellent sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Plus the good old 6th sense, my gut instinct. Honestly my favorite sense. It keeps me out of trouble. For a human though, she felt safe.

All of the humans I've encountered were vicious creatures. Ones who wiped out my family, my pack. But no, she wasn't like them, she wasn't even one of them. I can tell she's not like the humans. There is something different about her, but I can't figure out what.

She came out when I had told her to, which meant she was afraid. I was very cautious, to see if I should attack or run away. I did neither. I slowly moved, closer and closer. I studied her. Her hair, I had already established the fact it was unorthodox. Her skin tone was an almost white color. She had brown eyes that matches mine.

She watched me carefully as I cautiously walked closer. She was a natural hunter. I could tell. I wondered if she had seen me shift. Is she from that nearby kingdom? She must be. That mark on her shoulder means she is a servant of the king. A guard no doubt. Possibly a general with the amount of skill I can sense from her. Her aura though. It's unusual, just like her hair.

Wait why am I thinking about her hair? Nevermind that.

I can't believe I was so stupid. I've been hiding from her kingdom for years. I know their traditions and culture like the back of my hand. I have to, in order to hide in the right places at the right time. I have to make sure I don't run into them when I hunt. Or when I go on a chase. Like regular wolves, I run through the forest chasing some sort of animal that can be considered prey for us. It's all fun and games though. It's just to get some excess energy out of me. It helps me control my emotions too.

I studied the scarlet haired guard carefully. If I were to let her go, I would risk my own safety. But if she did not return to the king, he would no doubt send out a search party for her. The king only sends out his best guard to gather food, after all. If she was out here, she was obviously the best of the best in her ranks. They don't send rookies out to a dangerous forest to gather food for an ancient and time honored feast. That feast must be the reason she's out here. I guess it was that time again.

I still didn't sense any hostility from her. No danger at all, actually. Was it because she was cautious, or scared? No. I would still be able to sense it. Her brown eyes showed no blood lust for me. If anything, I'm probably the one who looks like they want to kill. I couldn't blame her for being scared. I'm a hybrid. A dangerous and mysterious creature, as the stories say. I decided right then and there that I would cause this girl no harm. None at all. She was special. Unlike any human I've encountered. And because of that, I shall protect her. Even if she doesn't need nor want it. I have to gain her trust to do so though. I don't even know if I'll ever see her again. But, thanks to my trusted 6th sense, I have no doubt we will have another fateful encounter. Because that was what this was. The moment two unique souls met, and their lives intertwined. Scarlet guard, your fate has now been decided.

Is this a good start to the story? I was thinking about doing a Jerza story but I wasn't sure how it would turn out. I like it so far though. Let me know if I should continue it. I'll post a chapter whenever I finish one, so it's not going to be like my other two stories, which has a schedule. Since I'm in online school, I might not be able to write as much as I'd like, so please bear with me on this. Arigato!

- Nova / Author

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