Part 24 - Pain

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betty's POV
Chuck Clayton... I walk up to jug and lightly push him back signaling to him that I don't want him involved in this. I get in front of Jug and stand face to face with chuck. (or as close as I can get with the huge height difference)

betty - normal
chuck- bold
jug- italics

"chuck clayton" I state with a sigh "fancy seeing you here" I finish soon after. Chuck looks me up and down as if he were trying to almost hit on me and says, "betty cooper, you've changed... and not necessarily for the worst" he shoots back at me with a pause for dramatic effect I guess. He's really trying to hard. I quickly throw a punch right to the right side of his jaw. He stumbles back on impact of the punch and immediately throws himself at me. We throw punches back and forth with me dominating of course.

The bulldogs cheering him on and the serpents watching me beat him until sweetpea pulls me off and holds me against his chest. "what the heck sweetpea I was so getting him good" i say with a quick smirk "yea that's why we had to pull you off before you killed the kid" jug shoots back with a similar facial expression to me. Chuck is laying on the ground groaning in pain while his friends are glaring at me.

Sweetpea let's go of me and I grab jugs hand and take him to out of the cafeteria. "where are you taking me" he states as I'm dragging him behind me "the bathroom to clean up my face then we're leaving" I saw nonchalantly. We walk into the girls bathroom and make sure nobody else is in there. Jug comes in and helps to clean the few cuts on my face up.

veronicas POV
what the heck. The whole school just watched 'perfect girl next door' Betty Cooper beat up Chuck one of the most buff and athletic guys in our school. I hope she knows that literally everyone was watching that and we're not betting on her to win. She walked off like it was nothing while Chuck is still on the ground almost crying. She really messed him up. I see betty go into the bathroom and make my way in there just to check on her I guess.

betty's POV
Me and jug were in the bathroom cleaning me up almost done considering the fact I was barely touched other than the fact that the pain in my stomach is back like never before. Out of nowhere we hear a soft knock on the outside of the bathroom door. Veronica walks in as if I was expecting it to be her.

betty- normal
veronica- italics
jug- bold

"hey betty" veronica states with a weird softness in her voice as if i'm going to snap at her "hey veronica, do you need something" I say quickly as jug stands and watches. "yea um- I just wanted to let you know that —" before she could finish her sentence she was cut off by the overhead speakers "Elizabeth Cooper, Forsythe Pendleton Jones III, and Chuck Clayton please report to the principals office immediately" We gear with a very demanding and might I add angry voice. "Well sorry to cut this convo short but we gotta go if we don't want dad to kill us later" Jug states. his voice laced with sarcasm. As veronica slowly leaves the bathroom without saying anything more I realize that my stomach hasn't been hurting in a few days. Not any pain at all until right in this moment. I can't tell Jug though he'll be mad that I fought Chuck. I hop off the bathroom sink holding Jugs hand per usual and pain shoots all through my body coming from non other than my stomach.

Jughead's POV
As betty jumps off the sink I can see that she's in pain. She starts to walk out of the bathroom. More like limp. While dragging me with her. I pull her to a stop just before we exit the bathroom. She turns to look at me and I can fully see it now. The pain in her eyes. "Hey betts what's wrong?" I state with caution in my voice. She just shakes her head and looks down as a tear slowly falls from her eye. I gently raise her chin up and look her in the eyes and plant a small kiss on her lips. "You don't have to tell me right now but I want to know later. I can tell you are hurting baby and I hate seeing you like that" I slowly reply back to her. We then walk out of the bathroom and head straight for the front office.

Betty's POV
(sorry that i keep switching POVs ik it gets confusing but it adds a lot to the story I think)

Me and jug make our way to the front office with chuck and his buddies not to far behind us. We get to the front and the principal is in front of us before we could even blink. He drags me and Jug back to his office as limping chuck follows behind. We all have a seat in front of his desk and he begins to talk.

Betty - normal
Jug - Bold
Chuck - italics
Principal Wetherbee - underlined

"I'm sure you all are aware as to why you are here" He barks out with anger running through his voice. We could almost see the steam rushing out of his ears. He was furious. Me and jug give each other looks while chuck just stares at the ground not daring to look up. "Ms. Cooper why would you do such a thing? You used to be such a good student?" He directs at me. "I've changed Mr. Wetherbee and I had a good reason too" I state back with a confident voice while everyone else in the room stares at me. "And what might that reason be?" He demands back at me. Jug follows the question with, "Chuck has always been rude to betty in and outside of school. She finally had a chance to get him back" He says showing how proud he is of me. Chuck shakes his head and says, "I would have never been mean to poor betty over there. Because she just gets anything she ever wants. dont you Betty. Just like your big bro Jordan did huh?" His remark didn't hurt to much until he brought up Jordan. I couldn't do it anymore after that. I stood up and walked out of the room with Jug trailing right behind. Tears were slowly streaming down my face as I walked out of Weatherbees office and spotted dad immediately. I quickly walked into dads arms without stopping and crashed right into him. He wrapped his arms around me and led us out to the truck.

1202 words
hi guysssssss. I'm so sorry this took so long I was having trouble with wattpad and then the chapter got deleted so I had to rewrite it. Thank y'all so much for over 20k reads. like that's crazyyyyyy love y'all so so much 😘

Also i tried a new way of doing the conversations is this better or more confusing?? let me know please so i know what to do in the future. remeber to comment and vote pleaseeeeee

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