Chapter 40- Acting Happy for the Camera

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Katie's POV

When I woke up, I was the only one in my bed. I could have sworn that I fell asleep cuddled into my dad. Slowly, I got out of my bed and got dressed into my clothes I was wearing for the flight. I grabbed my laptop that was laying on my desk and then made my way downstairs. After I put my bag next to my other bag and made my way into the kitchen where I was greeted by my dad flipping pancakes and a island full of food. 

"Food looks good" I said
"Thanks Katie" Nick said
"So we having a party or something?" 
"Joe and Selena went to go pick up your Aunts and Maddie and since thats seven of us, I made a lot of food" 
"Maddies coming?" 
"Is that the only thing you got out of that? But yes she's coming with you guys" 
"YES! And to answer your question no that wasn't the only thing I got out of what you said. I heard everything but I'm excited about Maddie coming along"  
"Okay, well they should be back soon so be the amazing daughter you are and set the table please?" 
"Sure thing daddy" 

I did as asked and set the table then I went back to sit by the island and watch my dad cook, he was trying to be all fancy and flip the pancakes from the pan. Just as a second pancake landed on the floor and he let out a string of curses the doorbell rang. 

I ergerly went to answer it, when I opened the door everyone filled in with a tired Maddie being the last one to come inside. I squealed when I saw her and gave her a big hug as if I haven't seen her in a few months rather then two weeks. Maddie returned my hug. 

After breakfast, everyone helped clean up and then we got ready to leave. My dad was driving us in his SUV so we all put bags inside the trunk and piled into the SUV. I was the last one inside the SUV because I wanted to say good by to Thor, who looked sad that I was leaving. 

When we got to the airport, I got a little teary eyed over the fact that Nick wouldn't be coming but I understood that he had studio time and did have a tour coming up that he was opening for. Nick got on the airport bus that would take us from the car to the jet, when we got there, Nick and I hugged for several minutes until I had to leave. 

I boarded the jet behind everyone else and sat at a window, I watched as the bus thing that now only carried Nick drove away and soon we departed the airport and were up in the sky. 

I filled Maddie in on Luke and how he cheated on me. She got so mad at him and it was cute how she started to plan out his death because she was so mad at him. But I told her to let my happeniness kill him instead. Speaking on Luke he has sent me almost 50 text messages and kept calling me and of course I ingored them. His contact in my phone was also a pile of shit emoji. 

The flight was pretty boring after Maddie fell asleep, I talked to my aunts and then talked to my uncle and got to know him better. Besides for Nick, Joe was my favorite Jonas. He was so goofy and I liked that about people, their goofy sides.

After a 6 hour flight, the plane landed and I called both of my parents to let them know I was okay and we landed in New York. I also texted Jack that I was on my way to the hotel we were all staying at so we could practice the songs. The hotel was about a hour away so I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

When we got to the hotel, we checked in and brought our bags to our rooms and then I went to met up with Jack and Jack in their room to reherse the songs.

"Hey do you guys mind if we do Really Don't Care by my mom for the last song?  I kinda wanna show someone that I really don't care about them anymore"  I asked
"Yea sure"  Jack J replied 
"Do you wanna do the majority on the singing with us backing you up and doing the rapping?"  Jack G asked
"Um...well I know Johnson can sing a little bit so he can be an echo and then you can rap G."   I said

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