Chapter 25

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I left home to get away from them, and they only come back. I run into our room and lock the door. I haven't done this in a while, I'm sorry Jack.

I run into the bathroom and close the door. I go through my toiletries bag and find my razor. I hold the small piece of metal in my hand. I bring the razor to my arm. I take a deep breath and make a cut.

I lay my back against the wall of the bathroom and slid down. I hear yelling from outside but I don't care.

As I watch the blood drip down my arm to the floor. I make several more cuts.

I hear footsteps, running over to me. I sit there and watch as the blood drips, but the noise of the door slamming against the wall startles me.

"Hunter!" Jack yells. I look up at him and look him dead in the eyes. He runs over to me and slams down onto the floor next to me. He wraps his arms around me and holds me.

"I'm so sorry Jack, I'm so sorry," I keep repeating. The other guys soon head over to us and gasp. Jack has his head into my neck, his hands wrapped around my bloody arms.

I can hear his quiet sniffles as the guys just stand there.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper. Jack stands up and I feel my body being lifted off the floor. I hear feet shuffling as we move. I'm soon seated on the bed. I hear whispers fly around the room.

I also hear the voices of my bullies. "Guys go," Jack Gilinsky says quietly. But I can tell he's getting frustrated.

"But we don't want to miss the freaksho--"

"Go!" Seconds later a door slams. I've never heard Jack so mad.

Jack lifts me and sits me on his lap. I wrap my arms around him. Yes I know I have bloody arms, but i doubt he cares about his shirt in the moment.

"I love you Jack, you know that right?" I mumble into his ear. "Of course love," he replies.

I feel Jack mouth something to the guys, they all shift out of the room and I hear the door close. "Why?" I ask him. But if anything, he should be asking me.

"Why'd you come after me?" I say again after a few seconds of silence. "Why didn't you just go out with the guys?"

"I love you too much to leave you," He pulls me back so that we are no longer hugging.


"I love you too much to leave you," and it's the truth. It's the cold hard truth. I pull her back so she's looking at me. "Why do you ask?"

She looks at me. Then I see her eyes wondering around the wall behind me. "Hey."

Her eyes keep moving, "Look at me," I grab just under her chin and push her head to look at me. "What brings this up?" I look at the tears forming in her eyes. They drop down her cheek one by one.

"I'm too much trouble for you. I cause too much trouble. Because is me, you now hate your brother because o--"

"Stop it, Hunter," I whisper softly. "No. No you do not cause any trouble for me. To be honest I never liked my brother," I whisper.

"Stop lyin--"

"I'm not lying."

I sit there and look straight into her eyes but hers wandered around, I just keep looking at her.

"You're too pretty to be hurt like this," I put a strand of hair behind her ear. She closed her eyes, tight, and looked down.

Out of no where, she brings out her arms and hugs me, I gladly hug back.

I told the guys to go out, I told them that I would take care of Hunter. Therefor I guess we have the day all to ourselves. Unless Hunter wants to go with the guys.

I lift her off my lap and I stand up. She stands yo after me and she goes to the bathroom. I look at her and she says, "I'm going to wipe my arm. Don't worry."

I breath out in relief.

A minute later she comes out with her arm clean and bandaids placed where her cuts where made. "You want to go somewhere?"

She narrows her eyes at me and tilts her head. "I mean you have this gorgeous outfit on, Id love to take you somewhere."

"Is the Jack Johnson asking me on a date?" She gasps. I laugh. "Is that a yes or a no?"

"It's a yes but uh--" she slows her words. "Change- change your shirt," and that's when I remembered that it was covered in blood.

I run out to my room and quickly put on a white shirt and I grab a white SnapBack and place it on my head [basically the "Like That" video outfit].

I head back to Hunter's room she's standing on her phone. "Ready?" I lean onto the door frame. She looks up, smiles, and nods. I put my hand out to grab her hand, and she gladly accepts.


"Jack where are we going?" I hear her quiet voice question from besides me.

"You'll see!" I walk up to this little cafe I found I earlier. I was wondering around before magcon was and I found it.

We walk up to the place and Hunters eyes widen. "Awe!" She screeched.

"This place is so cute," she says quieter. I give her a quick peck on the cheek. I read I sign that said, "Please seat yourself!"

I lead Hunter over to to a two person table in the corner. We. It's sat down and I grabbed both of her hands. While I did this, I examined her bandaids on her arm. I looked up and she gave me a weak smile.


I'm sorry! It took forever to update! No but seriously I've been busy. Alsoooo thank you for 2.68k reads. Love you all!

Sorry tf there are any mistakes.

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