Chapter 31

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"We have arrived in Omaha, Nebraska hope you all have a nice trip," the pilot says over the speakers. All flight, I haven't stopped bobbing my leg up and down. Several people have looked at me like I was mental like "I'm sorry! I'm really anxious to see my boyfriend who is hurting himself!"

Gilinsky: im by baggage claim

I get the text right after I turn my phone off of airplane mode. I sit down and wait for a majority of the people have already got off. Then I go, I grab my suitcase from the overhead cabinet and get off the plane. I instantly head to baggage claim. I need to see Jack as soon as possible.

My head moves all around the large room looking for Jack. I can't find him so I decided to just go to the baggage claim of Miami's luggage.

I follow someone who was on my flight. When I get there, I see a muscular guy in a black tank top. "JACK!" I scream. He turns around, scared, but he soon smiles once he sees me. He opens up his arms. I drop my suitcase and run into his arms. Jack squeezed me tight into his embrace.

"Thank you."

"For what?" He asks.

"For telling me what's going on," I look up at Jack and smile. "Oh that wasn't me."

I push my eyebrows together. "It was Sammy," he gestures his head to my right. There I find a man with a hat on, white shirt, and pants. I point to the guy, asking if that's Sammy. He nods and chuckles. I release from Jack's grip and tap on Sammy's shoulder. He turns around and smiles. "Woah, Johnson's a lucky man."

His smile is warm and inviting. "Thank you," I pause, "for telling me what was going in with Jack."

"Hey, it's no big deal," he opens his arms for, yet again, a hug. Slowly, I go into his arms. "Thank you," I repeat once again.


"Jack is in his room," Jack tells me. "Nate has had an eye in him while we were gone," another man gives me a smile and I give him a smile back. "First door on your left."

I lay my bags down against the wall. I slowly walk to the door they told me was Jack's. I decided not to knock on the door and just go in.

When I walk in a lamp is on and the light bounces off my baby's face. He's sleeping. I quietly close the door and sit on the edge of his bed. His blankets are only covering about to his stomach. I was about to look away when I got a glance of red on his arm. Cuts.

They're up and down his forearm. I feel the tears forming in my eyes. "Jack?" I whisper. I take my hands and shake him a little. "Jack," I say a little louder. His eyes flutter open and closed a few time, "Sammy I don't want to do anything," he groans.

"It's not Sammy," I say not bring up my voice. Slowly, Jack turns around with his eyes closed. "Jack open your eyes. He opens his eyes, looks at me for a second, and jumps up and hugs me.

I quickly wrap my arms around him. And I start crying. Jack pulls back looking at me, concerned. "Aww," he puts his palms on my cheek wiping my tears, "whats wrong babe?"

I think of the words I'm gonna say next, "Why?" Jack pauses. I take one of his arms and look at the cuts on them. I look up at him then down back at his arm. My fingers trace the red marks.

"I-I, T-The hate was getting to me," he stutters. "That's no reason to hurt yourself!" I scream.

"I'm sor-"

"You did it," I hear Jack whisper. My lip quivers as my breath staggers out. My eyes water and my vision soon bets blurry. "My p-past is in the past, J-Jack yo-you have nothing to wor-ry about. You have such an amazing life and -f-friends. I-I don't want to be your encouragement for cutting yourself."

Jack looks down and I put my face in my hands.


I feel him get off the bed. What I said was the truth. I didn't want to be his encouragement for cutting himself.

Moments later someones hands wrapped around my waist pulling my up from the bed. The arms wrap around my stomach and starts swaying from side to
sides. I moved my hands from my face to his arms on m stomach. "This isn't your fault."



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