chapter 11

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Harry stood outside Number 4 Privet Drive, desperately trying to take in shaky shallow breaths as Cherié helped him narrowly avoid a panic attack. Voldemort had left a couple of minutes ago, after Harry had repeatedly reassured him that he would be just fine. Which was a lie. Because currently, he couldn't move. Or breathe. He looked up to his left where Cherié stood, watching him silently. He frowned, hating how scared these muggles where. He straightened his back and started walking towards the door. These people held no power over him anymore. He was loved, and he was safe, and he was powerful. It was time they understood that. He strolled forward, outwardly calm even as his fists turned white from being clenched so harshly. He wandlessly threw open the door, startling Dudley, who'd been in the process of cramming barbeque crisps down his throat. His cousin squeaked in surprise, choking on the mouthful as crumbs sprayed over the perfectly hoovered carpet and Aunt Petunia ran out with a concerned look on her face. Once she saw him, her expression twisted into one of anger and disdain, her high pitched voice screeching, "Freak, what are you doing back? We thought you'd left for good this time!" Until that point, Harry had been drowning in anxiety, memories of old pains flooding back, but upon hearing those words, a fiery strength filled his every nerve. He flung his hand out, magic throwing his aunt and cousin to the floor, as the lights in the house dimmed and flickered, shadows stretching and growing along the floor, ceiling and walls to trap the pair and a shadowy cage. Petunia's eyes widened in terror, her body frozen in fear at the darkness surrounding her. "Boy! What are you doing? Get away from them, I'll kill you properly this time, I will!" Harry glared, his anger intensifying, shadows taking shape into large wolves and serpents. His Uncle quivered in fear, shrinking away from the creatures as black fangs and claws lunged for him.

Smokey tendrils wrapped around his ankles, hoisting him into the air, and he started to weep as he hung upside down, helpless at the face of such power. Harry sighed, even now he couldn't kill them. Seeing them there, crying and cowering in fear, he could only pity them, for their weakness and fear turned to blind hatred. He released them, walking up the stairs. "I'll be in my room. Someone will be collecting me in an hour. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut and stay out of the way. You won't be seeing me again after today, I can promise you that."

Remus walked up to the door of the Dursleys, Arthur following just behind him, thinking about seeing his cub again. It had been two years, and all he'd heard was what Sirius had told him from their letters. His heart clenched at the though of the old dog. They still hadn't found him, but they had detected traces of apparition around where Sirius's tracks stopped. If the Death Eaters had him for this long it could only mean one thing... He shook his head, shooting a grimaced smile at Arthur's concerned look, before knocking on the front door firmly. It would be good to see Harry again. The door opened, revealing a wonderful sight. He looked so much like James, dark messy hair, awkward grin, the glasses. Now though, he could see some of Lily growing into the boy. His face had become narrower and more slanted, eyes almond shape and an even brighter green. He smiled, "Hello Harry, how are you?" Harry leaned back into the house, shouting, "Uncle Vernon, I'm leaving now." Their only reply was a grunt, and Harry rolled his eyes pulling his suitcase out and shutting the door. "Hello Professor Lupin, Mr. Weasley, I'm ok I guess. Much better now you're here." Remus frowned at that response. In another life, He would have been Uncle Moony, greeted with grins and hugs. He hated how formal things were between he and Harry, especially now he no longer had Sirius. "You needn't be so formal, I'm not your professor anymore Harry. You can just call me Remus." Arthur nodded, leaning in slightly as he shrunk Harry's suitcase. "And how many times have Molly and I asked you to call us by our names?" Harry grinned sheepishly, ducking his head and running his hand through his hair. He laughed out a quick, "Sorry," but said no more. He nodded at Arthur, holding Harry's shoulder tightly. "Hold on tight."

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