The News!

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After drinking some squirrel and goat blood tea, Kimsung changed her clothes after a small wash in the small stream that ran through the forest. She enjoyed her peaceful bath and the small wounds cooled down and healed quickly. Now she was fully healed. And she didnt' have to worry about any prying eyes beacauce no humans come to this forest so the only inhabitants were animals who kept a safe distance from Kimsung.

She used to have a pet snake and birds but both died one day. Her life was very lonely. She never even thought about befriending humans because she was afraid after some time together they'll leave her and break her heart.

After the relaxing bath, she wore a pale purple sweater and dark blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. She grabbed her favorite wolf skin bag and threw some essentials and started runninh at vampire speed towards the town.

It was morning and the sun was shining brighlty sending golden rays throughout the forest.

Kimsung arrived at the town which was now bustling full if activity. Men wearing suits and ties holding briefcases ran to their work place, scool children were going to school, couples were walking happily with their hands entwined with each other.

With a deep breath of the fresh town air, Kimsung went to the nearest coffie shop and bought herself a cup of tasty coffee. While she sipped on the hot coffee she grabbed a newspaper from the newspaper stand and looked at the 1st page.

She almost choked on her holy coffee. In the front page was a picture of herself wearing a hoodie and running away in a blur. 'The headline read ; the misterious savior of the night'.

She then suddenly thought of the boy. He was stabbed and was now in the Seoul hospital. She needed to make sure he was alright so she finished the cup of coffee and staright went to the Seoul Hospital which was just outside the coffee shop.

She increased her pace a bit and went inside the tall building. She went to the reception and asked which room the boy was. She didn't know his name but it was easy to ask probably because he was the only victim who had to be immediately taken to the emergency room last night.

* I'm so sorry for writing such small chapters. It's just that I'm new to this and I thought if I wrote more it might seem boring. Anyways, If u read up to this, my lovely reader, I thank you so much for reading my crappy stories *

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