Heart to Heart

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For how long Mao Mao was asleep, he had no idea. But he looked around to see that he was all alone in the cell room. There was no sign of Baderclops anywhere. With a sigh, the feline stood up and stretched. It was clear to him that he had to escape but without his katana, on his strength alone it seemed impossible. Mao Mao was sure there was no way that he could take them on. That would also mean he would have to defeat Badgerclops. The thought of that didn't seem appealing at all.

At this very moment the valley was probably being attacked. The Sweetypies were probably being looted or even hurt in his absence. He had to put a stop to it, but Mao Mao knew he couldn't do it alone. But for the moment, all he could do was wait.

He had no idea exactly how long he waited, but eventually Badgerclops came stepping down the stairs into the cell room. To the feline's own surprise he was a bit excited, even happy to see the badger again. Badgerclops had a smile on his muzzle as well, humming a small tune to himself as he walked past the cell and sat down on the stool.

"So, uh... How did it go?" Mao Mao asked.

"Ugh, terrible. We barely got anything. Ramaraffe and Ratarang spent the whole time arguing about where they wanted to go," Badgerclops huffed. "Sometimes I really hate it here..."

Mao Mao couldn't help but chuckle at the badger's tone. He could clearly remember all the times he thought something similar about his own family members. A smile formed on his own face and cleared his throat to get the other mammal's attention.

In truth, Mao Mao was a bit afraid of the possible results. What he was about to be say could have two outcomes. "Badgerclops. You know I can't stay here. I need to save the valley and get the Pure Heart piece back. But, I can't do that alone. I need help, you're help."

"...You know I can't just leave the Sky Pirates right?" Badgerclops groaned, looking down at his claws. "Besides, I only make things worse, we've been over this."

"Well, things haven't been any worse on my end. I think you're good. Maybe you could be good at being good, huh?"

"Dude, shut up," Badgerclops scoffed, standing up from the stool. He placed his paws on his hips and tapped his foot against the wood.

"H-have you ever even tried doing the right thing, even where everyone keeps telling you over and over that it won't work, that you can't accomplish anything no matter how hard you try. It's not easy, I know..."

"Look at me," Badgerclops stomped, outstretching his arms. "I'm not good. I'm bad... The only thing I'm good for is hurting others. Why are you trying so hard to change my mind? Was good is it gonna do?"

Mao Mao gripped the bars of his cell and growled. "Because I don't think you really want this. You're just like, Badgerclops. We were told by our family that we're useless... That we're good for nothing. But they're wrong about me and you!"

"Stop talking!" the badger shouted, aiming his charged cannon at the cell. The feline gasped and jumped clear of the blast. He opened his eyes to see that the bars holding him captive were blown away to ashes. Seeing his chance, Mao Mao rushed out of the cell.

Badgerclops was panting heavily when the smoke cleared, seeing the cat was not in the cell anymore. His eye widened and he started to panic, looking for the feline. But to his relief, Mao Mao was standing right there in front of him. Quickly getting himself together, the badger charged his cannon once again and fired at the panting feline. Just like before, Mao Mao jumped clear from the blast.

"You don't have to do this!" Mao Mao pleaded, dodging incoming attacks.

"Then what will I do?" Badgerclops growled, swinging his heavy paw towards the cat.

Mao Mao just barely managed to dodge the hit. "I don't know, but you can do more than this."

"You're free now. Why don't you just get out of here?" Badgerclops huffed, lowering his cannon. His desire to fight quickly faded out. Now he just stared back at the feline, waiting for him to leave like everyone else had before.

"Because I want you to come with me," Mao Mao admitted, standing up and facing the badger. "We can get out of here together, start over together."

Badgerclops said nothing, turning away from the cat. He didn't want to admit it but Mao Mao's words were starting to get to him. He was starting to consider running away with the feline. But the badger didn't want to admit and face the fact that he wasn't happy where he was. Before he could see anything else he felt something warm on him. Badgerclops gasped and looked down to see the feline hugging him close.

"I...I care about you Badgerclops. We- You deserve better than this," Mao Mao mumbled through the badger's fur.

"I... I care about you too," the badger said slowly, gently hugging the feline back.

"If I can get out of here, get the piece back, save the valley and we'll be free to do whatever we want, together," Mao Mao offered. "But I can't do it without you."

"Ugh, fine." Badgerclops groaned with a grin on his face. "But you better pull your weight, more than Ratarang at least..."

"Well, I can't do that without my katana..." the feline shrugged.

"Really? It's in his quarters," Badgerclops chuckled. "Come on, I'll take you there."

Mao Mao was taken off guard by Bagderclops grabbing his arm and running off up the stairs and down the hall. He struggled to keep up, all the while the badger was chuckling to himself in excitement. Mao Mao couldn't help but smile too, seeing Badgerclops smiling and enjoying himself, even at the risk of being caught by everyone. 

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