The Forest

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On Mao Mao's trek through the Pure Heart Valley he did notice that the sweetie pies were very different from the regular animals he had seen. They were all brightly colored and non of them looked like they could defend themselves. From what he could see, he had to work fast to get that barrier back up. Just a look at a those squishy faces and Mao Mao knew they were just a bunch of sitting ducks

He tried to ask them about the Sky Pirates and was given some information about them but it was mostly what the King had already told him before. Other than that they all seemed be a bit fearful from talking about it but otherwise very pleasant and friendly. More and more Sweetypies took an interest in him, asking him all kinds of questions about where did he come from and where did he get such cool clothes. Mao Mao had to fight the urge to give the eager pipsqueaks that crowded around him an earful of his epic and tragic background that molded him into the hero that's going to save them.

Mao Mao knew he had a job to do and made that his top priority. Instead he asked the gathered villagers if any of them knew where the Sky Pirates were but he didn't get a helpful answer.

It had been 3 hours since Mao Mao was brought to the Pure Heart Valley and he was completely lost on what he should do. He sat on the outer brick of the fountain just in front of the kingdom. Word of the new cat in town quickly spread and it certainly was the hot topic.

"Psst. Hey, you! Psst!" Mao Mao's ears twitched as a nearby voice caught his attention.

"Hey, you. Cat. Over here!" a small blue something waved from the top of the bush. Mao Mao followed it and after looking back and forth, dived into the bush. Inside he surprised to see a small blue bat. They were smaller than the others. The bat in front of him had large yellow eyes, light blue fur, a heart on his chest and missing foot replaced by a pegleg.

"Oh, good. You heard me," the bat smiled.

"Yeah, but why did you call me into some bushes?" Mao Mao asked.

"Because I heard you were looking for those guys. You know the...Sky Pirates," she made sure to whisper that last part.

"You mean you know about the Sky Pirates?" Mao Mao asked in confusion.

"Yup. I saw them bring in their big ship and rip a piece out of the Ruby Pure Heart myself. And I know where they are now," the bat insisted.

"How? None of the other Sweetypies know anything about them. And you're just a kid," Mao Mao sat back in the bushes.

"Cause they're all a bunch of scaredy cats. No offense. But after they took the piece I followed their ship. They're off in the forest down at edge of the village. I've seen them myself," the small bat explained.

"Wow, thanks. You're a brave kid. But please, leave things like this to the professionals. Thanks to you, I'm gonna find those pirates and make the Ruby whole again," Mao Mao vowed.

"Awesome. Oh, and if anyone asks you never saw me." the bat said simply before diving out of the bushes. Mao Mao exclaimed in surprise and tired to follow after them but once he climbed out of it the flying mammal was gone.

Well, at least I know where to go now, Mao Mao thought to himself. On the outskirts of the village, huh?

It took a little bit of searching but Mao Mao found the path towards the forest. It was certainly dark and foreboding, the perfect place for a band of villains to hide. Mao Mao took a deep breath and took his first steps towards the shadowed, towering rows of trees. He felt a little bit of sweat on his forehead and his breathing was quick and shallow. With each step his took the cat felt something that was not sure if it was fear or excitement. Perhaps a mix of both. With every step the point that this was his first mission sunk in. This was the real deal and he was miles away from his father or sisters who would bail him out of anything went wrong before. He was on his own this time there's actual villagers who needed his help. The thought of messing up somehow or possibly failing altogether crossed his mind, but as fast as it came he pushed those thoughts away.

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