Episode 1: The Preparation

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*Kirby is seen packing up, and writing letters to various dimensions. One letter is sent to the Owl House*

Eda: (Finds a letter) Oh, a letter

Luz: Really? What's it say?
Eda: (Reads the letter) "Dear Luz, you're invited to a big journey, from Kirby"

Luz: A big journey?
King: Oh wow! Can I come?
Eda: Nope King, you have to stay here and keep an eye on the house

King: Oh man.

Luz: I better go tell me friends about this! (Turns on his crystal ball and calls her friends, as they answered)

Willow, Gus, and Amity: Hey Luz

Luz: Guys, guess what? I got a letter from Kirby, saying I'm invited to a big journey across Dreamland! And you?
Willow, Gus, and Amity: (Holding out letters) We do!

Luz: Come on! Lets' go to Dreamland and pack our things! Over and out! (Hangs up)

*At Bikini Bottom, both Spongebob and Patrick receive a letter from Kirby*

Spongebob: Hey, it's from Kirby, let me read it (Reads the letter) Huh? A big journey?
Patrick: A big journey?
Spongebob: We're both invited!

Patrick: We're both invited!

*Both Spongebob and Patrick cheered. Meanwhile, back in Meadowfield both Chirp and Peep received a letter*

Peep: Hey look, It's a letter from Kirby

Chirp: What does it say?

Peep: (Reads the letter) It saids that we're invited to a big journey. Journey?
Chirp: We're both invited?
Peep: And me too?
Chirp: Peep! This might be the right time to meet you all my friends I've met before

Peep: Really?
Chirp: Yes, so let's get packing and head out

Peep: Right!

*Back in Ashley Town, Henry receives a letter from Kirby by his front porch*

Henry: Hey, it's a letter

Peter: Ohh! What does it say?
Henry: I think it says about a big adventure for Kirby?

Peter: Journey?
Simon and Desiree: Journey?

*Henry and Peter stop by the portal, with their parents pleased*

Simon: Henry, I know how much you loved us, but for now please behave on the trip and don't be horrid okay?
Henry: I will

Peter: So what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Henry: Okay (The two went to the portal)

*Back in Pacopolis, Pac-man, Spiral, and Cyli received a letter from Kirby*

Pac-man: Guys! We're invited to a big journey!

Cyli: Really?
Spiral: Totally awesome!

Pac-man: Come on! Pack your bags, because we're about to head out!

Cyli and Spiral: Yippee!

*Kirby's friends meet up at the castle*

Kirby: Hey guys! Glad you can all make it!

Luz: So where are we going then?
Tiff: We're going to various lands across Dreamland!

Amity: You mean there are other lands besides this one?
Kirby: Yes, and also. It's my duty to find the eight words of Certarus and revive the Great Ramination

Willow: Really?
Kirby: Yes, it's my job to find all eight words! With that, I need your help guys

Chirp: Always counting on you!

*The whole group gets on the vehicle*

Kirby: This thing is called the Dream Wagon

Luz: Dream Wagon?
Lady Like: A big wagon used by in adventures

Kirby: We're going on a big journey, and on the road we'll be able to see lots of fascinating worlds and places!

Peep: Really?

Kirby: Of course (Leads them to a room) They also had bunk beds for enough avaliable slots

Luz: Wow! In the house!

Kirby: We also have bathrooms with warm showers and a kitchen too

Spongebob: Wow! Then here comes for krabby patty tasting

Sir Ebrum: Well, then here we go! Off we go!

Whole group: YAY!

*The dream wagon begins moving, and off they go to find the eight words of Certarus!*


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