I don't have a name yet but she's a cat that I own and designed by myself. Her breed is Maine Coon and she loves bows and bells and frilly lace, string and...well... Ah... You get it...
Back Story~ She was a pet with a very wealthy family that lived in a very busy city, but one day she saw a street tom and fell in love after many meetings. Her owners noticed how she disappeared more and more and eventually she ran away with him. He got into a fight protecting her once and was severely injured. They was taken in by humans into a small apartment. She was allowed to leave the small apartment whenever she wished but if she didn't come back before the sunset, they would lock the window and she wouldn't be able to come back in. Soon, the Tom she fell in love with died and she would sit outside in the cold and even the rain on the fire escape, yowling. (Ima write a story bc it's kinda long.).

My Art Book
RandomI have been putting this off for a while mainly because I hate the way my drawings look but since I've been seeing a lot of these on here I thought I could post one on here even though my drawings are not that good. @xStriped-Sweaterx (follow her, s...