Creepypasta 1: Slenderman

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I who have no name. Tall, no face, and wear a suit to look somewhat formal. I lived for many years collect children and eating them one by one. But then came a time when I wanted a friend. Other than my brothers this friend had to be somewhat human, special to me. Her name was Loral, she was half human and demon you can say. She was created by Satan himself to keep what he called the sins into check. Loral was beautiful, pale white skin, jet black hair and mossy green eyes to complete it. Over the years as we hang out she began to understand me. My speech has gotten old and it became a ringing in most people’s ears.

    Loral came up to me one day as I was outside in the background on the manor. She told me she was pregnant and sobbing all over like she didn’t want it to be true. But as the months went back I seen Loral began to love the baby more and more. At first she hated it, every second of it. But she began to love it never the less. Then came the day she told the father’s name of the child. A demon by the name of Marcus rapped her and made her pregnant but all she told that he said it was an order from their king.


    Loral passed away giving birth to a baby girl she called Aya. The girl had her mother's hair and her eyes but her skin was a bit tanner so she must of gotten from her father. The baby itself was beautiful but my anger of her killing her mother through childbirth made me lock her away letting one of my brothers take care of her. I later found the girl was the first of 4 kids that Marcus had. It seem to me the man was just a tool for Satan. But I knew his son very all in the later years Aya hung around him. I came to love Aya as my own and regret my foolishness of locking her away.

    Loral left me a book on how to teach Aya about her demon gift that she was to get as the years followed: 5,12,16, and 19. It also said their might be a huge possible that she would take after her mother and become a sin keeper at the age of 18.


    I showed Aya her gifts and her power when she hit those ages but when 18 came around I saw a different side starting to take form on the girl. She became more quiet, more in thought and less open. She painted more like she was little girl not wanting to keep to anyone. I soon later found out by 6 that Aya had more than just a demon side, more like a demon controlling her from the inside and making her insane...I left the rest up to him to do what he wanted but I could not watch..for she was like my daughter...and my best friend’s only child.

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