25. Agreements

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Fourth Book

November 1st, 1994
Sixth Year

"-I just want to know how he did it," Fred muttered as he followed Ara through the Hogwarts Library.

"Maybe he didn't?" Ara offered, glancing back at the redhead as they turned into a particularly boring-looking aisle of the library.

"I doubt that," Fred shook his head, "-Who'd willingly put his name in for him?"

"I don't mean like that," Ara shook her head, "-Accio,"

Fred absentmindedly steadied Ara after she'd almost been knocked down by the chair she'd summoned.

"Then what do you mean?" Fred asked, leaning against a book shelf as Ara stood up on the accio-d chair.

"I don't know, it didn't really seem like he wanted to be up there, picked and all, maybe he didn't know his name was in the Goblet?" Ara shrugged, Fred mulled it over in his head before nodding.

They were talking about Harry Potter and how his name had been pulled for the Triwizard Tournament while he was underage and after all the other contestants had been chosen.

A peculiar occurrence, to say the least.

"Perhaps, but— Ara!" Fred yelped, he'd looked up at the blonde beside him only to see a thick, hardback book flying down at him; he barely caught it.

"Sorry," The girl cringed before stepping down from the chair she'd been on, she gave Fred a guilty smile.

"A warning next time, please," The Gryffindor adjusted his grip on the book as he continued to follow Ara around the library, like a lost puppy, "-What's this?" He gestured towards the book in his hands.

"Records of the first fifty Triwizard Tournaments," Ara explained, Fred's eyes widened.

The pair walked up to a table and Fred let the book fall in front of them with a thud. Upon letting go of the hardback, Fred sat down in a chair whilst Ara stayed standing.

"First fifty? How many were there?" He asked, Ara smiled at him while pushing the cover off of the book and beginning to read.

"Well, there were about five more books-"


"Relax! That's only about two-hundred and-"

"You're insane,"

Ara rolled her eyes at Fred before bringing her attention back to the hardback in front of her. The boy leaned back in his chair and watched her, clearly amused.

"So, what exactly are you planning on doing with this monstrosity of a book," Fred teased, flipping the book cover closed, to which Ara gave him an annoyed glance and reopened it.

He wasn't exactly sure what they were doing here.

Fred had been too preoccupied complaining, better yet, whining, about how Harry had managed to get his name into the Goblet to question were he was following Ara to.

"It's not a monstrosity," Fred chuckled at Ara's lie, "-And, I'm planning on using it to help Cedric stay alive during this stupid tournament,"

Fred nodded while standing up next to the girl and looking down at the historical text. It looked so awful boring that he couldn't bring himself to actually read any of it.

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