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"I need your advice."

I stared at Niall. We were sitting in a booth in the back of the pub, waiting for Harry to join us for drinks. I blinked rapidly, trying to remember the last time he had said those four words to me. When my mind came up short, I said slowly, "Okay...What's going on?"

He hesitated before correcting himself, "Well, it's more like there's something I need to ask you. I guess the advice comes after that part."

I nodded. "Okay. Go ahead."

His eyes lingered on my neck for a second, frowning. "Is that a hickey?"

I quickly palmed at my neck, even though I knew he was bluffing—there was nothing there. "Stop changing the subject and just say what you want to say!"

"Alright, alright, chill." He was quiet for a minute before he said, "Do you think I should give this thing up with Liv?" He was smiling, trying to make me think that he didn't care what my response would be, but I could tell it was forced. And I could also tell from the strained expression on his face that this was something he'd been thinking about for a while.

"I...why are you asking that?" I said, caught off guard.

Niall shrugged. "I mean, I've liked her for the past two years, and I don't think she's given me one hint that she reciprocates those feelings. And I think it's safe to say that I've made it pretty obvious."

I certainly couldn't argue with him on that one, but I also wasn't going to tell him that. Instead, I said carefully, "Obviously, I can't tell you what to do—"

"You can't?" Niall interjected, his lips twitching. "You could've fooled me."

I glared at him. "Do you want my advice or not?"

"Sorry, sorry. Continue."

"Well, I just think...if you haven't gotten anything back in two years, maybe you're better off pursuing someone else." I tried not to wince. I felt bad, but I also didn't want Niall to keep chasing after Liv, when it was becoming increasingly more obvious that she didn't feel the same. Especially when he had the possibility of Millie standing right in front of him.

Niall was silent for a minute before nodding his head in dejection. "Yeah. Maybe you're right."

"I could totally be wrong," I said quickly, my heart panging at the pained expression on his face. Niall and I made fun of each other pretty much every second of the day, but he was still one of my closest friends, and I didn't like to see him getting hurt (unless it was because of me). He was the most cheerful person I knew, and I wasn't used to seeing him down. The fact that my best friend was the reason behind his mood switch only complicated things further.

"I guess part of me always thought that me and Liv would be like you and Harry," Niall admitted, not making eye contact with me. "But clearly that's not the case. Everyone knew you guys had feelings for each other, even when you two didn't. But with me and Liv, I'm starting to realize that I'm probably the only one who ever thought that."

I stared at him, my eyes wide at the vulnerability he'd just displayed—something I wasn't sure I'd ever seen from Niall, at least not at that level. Before I could say anything, however, Harry slid into the empty seat beside me. After leaning in to kiss me, he said, "What's wrong? You guys look like you've just seen a ghost."

I glanced at Niall to find that all traces of emotion had been swept from his face, replaced by his signature smile. He shook his head quickly enough for only me to catch it, and then he said, "Nothing's wrong. I'm just trying to convince Jonesy to be a guest star on the show."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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