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"Do you have everything?"

"Yes," I whined, rolling my eyes. "God, how many times have you asked me that?"

Harry ignored my question as he entered the address to the hostel into Google Maps. "Just checking." He paused before adding smugly, "We both know it wouldn't be the first time."

I knew he was referring to the time we had gone to Zayn's sister's wedding, and I'd realized halfway through the drive that I'd forgotten my heels. Obviously, I couldn't attend a wedding with my slides, so we had to turn back the car. Except once we got back to campus, I realized that they were actually tucked into the back pocket of my suitcase the whole time. It was safe to say, Harry hadn't taken that revelation very well.

"That was, like, a million years ago!" I huffed. "You just love holding on to grudges, don't you?"

"Alright, first of all, it was nine months ago," Harry reminded me. "And second of all, I wouldn't exactly call that a grudge. If anything, I would call it history repeating itself...So on that note, double-check your suitcase."

"Don't tell me what to do."

It was his turn to roll his eyes. "Please, Your Highness, double-check your suitcase."

I smiled sweetly at him, flashing my dimples, and he shook his head and looked away. "That's more like it."

After he made me check my suitcase three more times, we were in the car, but not before he made sure I knew exactly what he thought about my choice of baggage. "We're going for two nights," he groaned. "Do you really need a suitcase? It's ridiculous."

Rolling my eyes, I'd retorted, "At least I have a suitcase. Your bag looks a lot more like a lunchbox to me."

Funnily enough, he hadn't had a response to that.

After fastening my seatbelt, I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. He stared right back at me, both of us daring the other to smile. This lasted for about two minutes, until finally, he was the one to crack, his lips twitching ever so slightly. I cheered inwardly—success!

"Okay, so the drive is three and a half hours, but we can break the journey and get lunch somewhere along the way," Harry said as he pulled out of the parking lot. "Sound good?"

I nodded. "You brought the snacks, right?"

"Yes, but they're supposed to last us for the whole journey, so don't finish them all right away."

"Don't fat-shame me. And stop saying journey. This isn't The Bachelor."

He snorted. "What's got you so pissy, then? You should be on your knees thanking me."

"In your dreams, Styles," I scoffed. His cheekbones flushed slightly, and I pretended not to notice. "And I'm not pissy. I'm just tired."

"Maybe if you hadn't stayed up so late watching Glee...God, what is it with you and that show?"

We all had flaws—albeit some more than others. Harry and Liv had commitment issues. Niall had boundary issues. And I...well, I had Glee issues.

"I know it's ridiculous," I defended myself. "But if you actually took the time to watch it—"

"Nope. Never. Not going to happen."

"It's actually funny—"

"It's a bunch of high school freaks singing show-tunes," Harry snorted. "Yeah, I think I'll pass."

"Okay, first of all, they mainly sing pop songs, so you're wrong there," I informed him. "And second of all..." What was my second of all? He was sort of right, the characters were kind of freaks.

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