Chapter 2

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I miss the forest and my house. The tree roots covered by moss and the dark leaves filled with all forms of birds. I miss the kitchen and the scent of spices wafting out of it. The dried roots and herbs and the potions and perfumes Alcina would make. I miss waking up and finding my father trying his best at breakfast. I miss seeing my family. Alive and Happy.

Hollowness dwelled in my heart as I looked down at the city bursting with colours. It was solstice and the entire place was bursting with activity. Even the people inside the house were busy.

I had just seen Feyre and Cassian drunk in the living room. Then The Shadowsinger came in and I picked up my plate of food and came back to my room. Of course, I was never alone in the house, someone was always here to keep an eye on me even after I had told them I was too drained to even stand up for too long. Sometimes I could feel the shadows spying on me.

After our little chat and finding out that they didn’t know anything about Lucifer, I passed out again and woke up in this room. They considered sending me somewhere else but then decided that it was better to keep a close eye on me.

So here I was, in this room, while the sounds of celebrations were starting downstairs. I decided it was time I carried out our traditions for solstice too.

I slowly pushed the door open and peeked outside. Seeing nobody, I reached the stairs and spotted everyone gathered downstairs.

A seer is amongst them.

I descended the stairs and tapped Morrigan, who was standing the closest, on the shoulder.

She raised her eyebrows, “ Yes?”

“I was wondering if I could find a little bit of yarrow and bones of an animal.” I shifted from one foot to another.

“Bones of an animal?” Cassian rested his gaze on me. “What are you going to do? Put a curse on all of us?”

I grinned. “Does that scare you, warrior-heart?”

He returned a crooked smile. “Perhaps if you-”

“Alright, that’s enough.” Morrigan interrupted. “Why do you need yarrow and bones?” She questioned.

“It’s a tradition. For solstice and for the troubled souls on my parents.” I sincerely answered.

“We do have yarrow.” The seer provided. She wasn’t here before. Who is she?

“I will take you to the kitchen. I can’t say you will find bones here.” Morrigan pointed towards a door.

I nodded and followed her. “How does this tradition work?” She pushed the kitchen door open.

“I will have to arrange the bones in a specific pattern and yarrow will help in the “bringing peace to the souls part."” I explained. I had nothing to hide. “There are spells, of course. I don’t think you would be interested in them.”

She leaned against a counter while I looked through the cabinets. “So, you are part shadow witch and part blood witch? “


“Hmm. What about your sister? What is her name?”


“What kind of witch is she?” She tapped her fingers against the marble.

“ She is a green witch.” I crouched down. “That means she can manipulate trees and green things. She is also exceptionally good at perfumes.” I smiled at the memory of her working in our kitchen on some new scent she came up with.

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