Chapter 19

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Cassian leaped up from his seat and faced the door, Alcina and Morrigan right behind him.

The rush of blood in my ears was the only thing I could hear as they turned the corner.

A little bit of wood was keeping me from my worst nightmare.

None of us breathed as they stood before us, for me - Azriel; I couldn't speak for the rest of them but both Morrigan and Cassian clenched their jaws.

"They look like whoever you desire most." I whispered and Cassian nodded. Morrigan only shifted closer to me, shielding me from Lucifer's view with her body.

I brushed my fingertips against my stomach and said a silent prayer before wrapping my fingers around my daggers as a cruel smile bloomed on their face.

"Look at you- looking lovelier than ever." The devil smiled at me.

Cassian growled something I couldn't hear but didn't move, planting himself between all three if us and them.

"Would you all mind moving? I'm here to collect my bride." If I hadn't known any better, I would've thought it was a request and not mockery.

"She's taken." Cassian unsheathed his sword.

"By your friend? Sadly, not for long since she is leaving with me." I would have sliced that smile off their face if I hadn't been carrying a child.

Cassian said something but my eyes were fixed on something gleaming. Alcina was fumbling with something behind her back.

I blinked once, blinding by the light reflecting off of it before swiftly taking it from her hands.

The glass vial was cold against my sweaty palms as I slid it into Morrigan's hands. She looked at me with wide, questioning eyes and I gave her the briefest nod, indicating that she should put it on.

For Love and Protection. That's all Alcina wanted for her.

I wondered for a second why she had waited so long to give her the necklace but that thought was chased away by the lethal smile blooming of Lucifer's face.

Lucifer. That's all they will ever be. Even when they looked exactly like the shadowsinger. Their eyes, following everyone in the room with a predatory accuracy was enough distinction between the two.

"See what lengths I have to go to for your sake?" Lucifer feigned hurt. "I had to come myself to get you. That's not very obedient of you, pet."


"It's not very smart of you to think that someone like me could be tamed, either." I returned their feral smile. "Perheps, it's best that you crawl back into the rotten hole that you come from."

They snarled, " You've got quite the mouth on you, don't you?"

I twisted the blade in my hand, "And what are you going to do about it? On that note, how's the chest healing?" My eyes flickered towards their chest, where there was a gaping hole, thanks to Azriel.

Cassian had moved to the side and Morrigan was digging her nails into my arm. Their eyes were flickering towards a window but I didn't have the time to see what was wrong.

"You'll know how it's healing well enough when you're chained to my bed." The words were barely out if their mouth before a fist collided with the smooth skin and Lucifer stumbled backwards.

Cassian shuffled backwards, wary perhaps of what the spymaster might do. He looked over at me, there was a hint of worry in his eyes before it was gone and he gave me his usual smirk.

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