Chapter 18

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"Cassian will fight God himself, if not for you or Azriel, then for the food you make." Morrigan shook her head at the general who had declared he will simply not stay in Velaris as long as I wasn't there and sent Rhysand back alone.

I looked over at his long legs stretched over the table and snorted. Wiping my hands with a towel, I pushed his legs off the table.

"Don't put your nasty shoes at the table." I chided to which he made a face but was stopped from saying something by Alcina collapsing in the chair next to him.

He slung an arm behind her chair, "What happened to you?" He asked.

"My snowman collapsed during the night." She mumbled into her cloak.

"You remember we are still working to keep your sister and my brother safe, right?" Cassian frowned. "And you are worried about a snowman?"

Alcina pouted, "I worked hard to make it. He was beautiful. I even gave him a name. Gingerbread. "

Cassian thought about something for a moment before patting her on the back and standing up. "Let's bring Gingerbread back to life." He smiled down at her as my sister raised her eyebrows in shock.

"You're going to help me in making a snowman?" She asked.

"We're all bored anyway. " He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and proceeded to drag her outside while she caught Morrigan's hand hastily.

I grabbed a woolen shawl and followed them outside. The sun was barely visible and the wind was cold even though it was nearing mid-day.

Not wanting to be a part of the "Finding branches for arms" squad, I sat on the porch and whispered to the shadows, "Are you busy?"

It took them a few seconds but they swayed in delight before curling around my face. "Never too busy for you, darling."

"My empty arms say otherwise. " I mumbled.

"You know I would stay by your side forever if finding the shadowsinger wasn't so important. "

I sighed, "I know."

"How is my little spy?" I smiled at the name he had decided to give to our child.

"She's fine. She misses you too." I pressed my palm against my stomach.

"So you do agree? It's a girl."

"I didn't say that!" I protested but it was difficult to not smile. He chuckled but the delicious sound died in his throat after a minute.

"I miss you both." He whispered.

I rested my head against a wooden pillar and rubbed my hands together, "Are you coming back tonight? I feel bad sitting here while you work."

"Well I feel bad that you have to go through ten months of misery." He replied.

"It is miserable. " I agreed, remembering the terrible headache I had this morning. "But I don't mind it." I was vaguely aware of Cassian helping Apcina put a giant snowball on top of an even larger one and Morrigan shouting something.

"And I don't mind this. I would rather be with you two, yes; but we'll have plenty of time together once this is all over."

I nodded but then realized that he couldn't see me. "We will."

"You sound upset. How about I cook something for you tonight?" He offered.

That bought a smile to my face. "I would love that." I dusted off the snow that had fallen into my lap when I saw that the snowman was finished and Cassian was adjusting it's nose.

He stepped back to inspect his work before nodded approvingly at my sister. All three if them decided that it was good enough and, by the time I was inside, Cassian was teaching Alcina how to kick someone in the face even when they were taller than you.

It wasn't long before he had taken to using Morrigan as a test subject as she sat unbothered on the couch and his boot would stop mere inches from her face. A few hair would move into her face and she would brush them back, all while not sparing a single look in his direction.

Eventually, Alcina grew tired and objected that Morrigan was not a good test Subject.

"She's shorted than you. Obviously, you can kick her in the face." Morrigan gave her a very offended look at that, to which she replied. "I'm not saying he can. I'm saying that because you're not taller than him, this whole thing he just did didn't prove any point."

She wrapped her arms around Morrigan's shoulders and kissed her temple, "Obviously nobody would dare touch you."

I shared a look with Cassian before he sprawled out on a couch and flexed his fingers that were frozen from playing in the snow.

He stopped when we all heard the front door creak open. I craned my neck to see if Rhysand had come back. He had said he would try to bring Feyre here because she could not wait until we were actually able to return to Velaris.

Instead, Cassain called out, "Az? You came back quickly. "

"Yeah. Is there any report about another shadowsinger?" Morrigan asked him.

"Is there?" Alcina chimed in.

"No there isn't. "I answered for all of them. "Because this isn't Azriel."

He clicked his tongue, "This is the reason you would make such a delightful pet."

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