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A/N this is gonna be longer than usual and some tea is gonna be spilt in this chapter oooh, get ready ;)
(also just ignore that they're eating human food i fu cked up lol)

Harry had picked out a baby-blue blazer with matching trousers, a shirt that had cats printed onto it and some black dress shoes. He had no idea where they were going but seeing as his boys chose it, he knew it would be fantastic. Harry checked the time on his digital alarm clock that he abused every morning when its shrill call woke him up, 17:55. He decided he might as well head down so he opens his door, checking he had everything.. phone... keys... gum... when something startled him.


Harry jumped at the shout that had come from next door, Niall's bedroom. He pressed an ear to the shared wall to try and hear what was going on.

"YOU, MY BEST FRIEND, ARE DATING MY EX-FIANCÉ! HOW IS THAT FAIR!" Niall's voice boomed. Harry gasped at the realisation, he knew Niall had almost got married but he never knew to whom.

A new voice yelled in answer to Niall, "HE CAME UP TO ME NIALL! WE GOT TO TALKING! I DIDN'T REALISE HE WAS YOUR EX!"

"You must have realised at some point. You've seen pictures. You were the ONLY person i trusted to tell my heartbreak to and then you go and do this. F U C K  YOU LOUIS!"


"NO LOUIS. Please don't."

"Niall no, i'm sorry, let me expl-"


Harry heard a door slam shut and through his open door he saw Niall run down the stairs, wiping tears from his pink cheeks.

There was a shout then a crash from the next room, Harry decided to tiptoe from his room and take a peak inside to see if Louis was ok.

The floorboards creaked as he made his way across the freshly polished wood. Harry pushed the door open enough to glance in. The scene before him made his heart break.

Louis was sat on the floor painfully sobbing into his palms, a broken lamp next to him, he was about to go in when a hand grasped his shoulder from behind.

"C'mon Hazza we have to go, let them sort this out between themselves." Barack spoke.

Harry nodded then turned to face his boyfriend who was wearing a simple black tux, it was the fanciest Harry had ever seen him dress and it truly suited him.

"Wow. You look absolutely gorgeous, baby." Barack told him, voice genuine, a smirk plastered on his lips.

Harry blushed then looked down at his feet, "Thanks Bee. You look like a prince in that suit."

"Harry- You're making me blush." Obama said teasingly.

"HARRY! BARACK! HURRY UP!" Edward shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

They made their way downstairs where Ed was waiting in a navy blue suit. In his hand was a single rose that was offered to a blushing Harry, who took it graciously.

As they were leaving Harry saw Liam whispering into Niall's ear, rubbing his back comfortingly as Niall wept. Liam looked up at Harry and gave him a tight lipped smile, Harry nodded at him and scurried to catch up with Ed and Bee.

The ride to the restaurant was done in comfortable silence, everyone just enjoying each other's company.

When they arrived at the candlelit restaurant a lady showed them to their table, a booth right at the back, intimate and romantic. They ordered their drinks and food, as they waited for them to arrive they started chatting.

"What the hell is on your shirt Hazzy?" Barack asked, amused.

"Cats of course."

"Cats? Why?"

"Bee, i love cats, always wanted one, they're just so small and fluffy." Harry's eyes gazed over as he thought of the animals he loved with all his heart.

Ed chuckled "I think i know something else that is small and fluffy"

"HEY!" Harry threw one of the complimentary bread rolls at Edward's head.

Amused, Barack asked "Why'd you throw a cob at him?"

"He's a liar." Harry told him folding his arms and turning is nose up at the comment.

"Is he though-"

"I'll have you know that i'm average size" Harry huffed "You lot are just enormous."

Ed and Barack couldn't hold back laughter at what their 'average sized' companion had said, Harry ended up joining them, giggling at his own words.


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