2 (Fight)

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Taehyung pov

"Hey bro!" I turned and saw Jungkook.
"Why are you this down?" I sighed.
"Nothing just busy."
He clicked his tongue.
"It is about Jin yeah?"

"We are waiting for a donor but the problem is he is disappointed. It is hard Jungkook." He nodded.
"I understand. Why don't you try a psychologist maybe it can help you."
"We did! He didn't attend after 3 times. He said he says shits that are just in dreams and prefers to sleep that time in his room." He sighed.

"Then what you wanna do?"
"I don't know! Dad is doing his best. He even reserved a room in hospital for him. He is so much sad. I saw him crying last night. And appa he is crying like almost all the time but trying to hide his pain. Ah Jungkook things are really complicated."
"Tae I think you must speak with him yourself. He loves you so much and was always with you since you were little you are so much close Tell things to him straight. Why don't you take him to a restaurant or somewhere to speak with him?"

Jimin pov

"Hey you came?" I aske dNin as he came inside the class and sat beside me.
"You were waiting to hear I finally died?" I sighed.
"Can you stop this? You came late and more last night you told me you are not in the mood of coming to school so it was why I asked you."

He pinched my nose.
"Ok Mr grumpy!"
"I'm not grumpy! You are out of mind. Can't you understand it breaks my heart when you say these kind of thigs? You are my best friend."
He chuckled.
"Ok right now I am here. So what we have for the first class?" I turned my back to him and didn't answer him.

"Jimin!" I didn't answer him.
"Ahhhh little mochi won't speak with me? Come on I am sorry. What is your idea about going out after scholl huh?"
I looked at him.

"Good idea but if you don't say nonesense." He chuckled.
"I promise!"

I then turned to him.
"So any good news?"
He shook his head.
"Still waiting."
"I'm sure you'll find a heart soon and will start a new life with a new heart." He smiled but I knew it is a fake smile. He is tired and disappointed. I wish I could do something.

Taehyung pov

Jungkook is right! I myself must speak with Jin. He needs to know he must be happy and live his life in the best way till we find a heart for him.

"Tae!" I came out of my thoughts as Jungkook kicked my knee.
"Mr Kim! I am asking you a question!" My professor said.
"Sorry sir! I ....I....I- sorry sir can I leave?"
"Mr Kim! This is the third time you are leaving my class like this."
"Sorry sir! But I need to go. I want you be sure I will pass your subject."
"We will see then."

I got up and went out of the class not turning to Jungkook who was calling me.
I quickly took my phone out and messaged to Jin.


I will come to your school and take you out. A time for two brothers. Be ready.

I sent it to him and after minutes he replied.


I had plans with Jimin. Can we take him too?

I thought for some minutes. It is better to be just both of us.


Sorry Jin but I wqnted the two of us spend time. Maybe the next time we can take Jimin.

I sent it and waited for him to answer.


Ok I am waiting for you then.

Jin pov

"Sorry Jimin Tae messaged suddenly and told me wants to go out with me."
"No problem. We can go out next time. More I know how much you and Tae like to spend time together." I smiled.

"Yes he is the best brother in all over the world."
Jimin sighed.
"Ah I wish I has a brother like him."
"Hey you have Yoongi by your side. Your loving boyfriend." He chuckled.
"He is ok but sometimes not giving a fuck to anything anyway go and have fun. I have to go to."
"Ok see you tomorrow!"

I then came out of the class walking to the school gate. I chuckled as saw girls and boys pointing to Tae as he was leaning his back to his car and working with his phone.
I went to him and hit his forehead.

"If you pay attention all around yourself you won't be single anymore. My dear brother." He then looked all over our school. I chuckled as the girls and boys were whispering. I get lots of things to give Tae's number to them but he will be mad if I do this.

"Come on! It'll get late."
"Where are we going?"
"You will see let's go!" I nodded and went and sat in the front seat.

Taehyung pov

"Ahhhhhh seaaaaa! Yeah it was a long time I haven't come here."
I chuckled as he went and started playing with sands.
"Hey you little one don't you think you are old enough for playing with sands?"
He looked at me with a cute pout. It reminds his childhood.

"What do you mean? Who said we cannot play with sands when we are big?" I smiled and sat next to him.
"I don't think you remember the first time we bring you to sea."
"How old I was?"

"You were 2 years and just started speaking. You were giggling all around and playing with sands. Nust like now. You were afraid of water so father hold you in his arms and took you to the water but you burst into tears making appa blaming him the way back home while you were sleeping peacefully in your car seat." He chuckled.

"Ah I like to go to the time I was little. The time I didn't understand about how hard is living is."

"Life was unfair to me. From the time I came in this world. I just have one question. Why me?"
"Jin! You must think positive. I know your condition causes you some limits and pain but you must come over it like what you've do e through these years."

"You mean hiding the pain I have?"
"Jin!" He looked at me and gave a sad smile.

"Tae breathe!"
"See you did that unknowingly. Without realixing you are breathing."
"1 2 3 breathe 1 2 3 breathe! It is the easiet work that all of the people do but for me." He looked at the sea and swallowed.

"I'm begging for breathing without pain. Begging for air!" I hold in my arms as I saw his tears fell.
"I'm tired. I am sick of this fucking life. Tae I am sick of fighting." He said his voice cracking.
"You will come over this. Cause of appa and dad. Jin they are doing alot. We love you! So now I want you to fight because of us. You know you are my birthday wish?"

"When it was my sixth birthday I wished for a brother called Jinnie. And when my wish came true I was the happiest. I spoke with you played with you fed you slept with you. Your crib was in my room. Even the first night they brought you home. Even you used to wake up to have milk and cry out loud. It was sweet for me. Seeing you giggling and being next to me. Holding your little hands and little body in my arms and be your older brother. I always wanted to protect my little brother in the best way. And I will do that. Like all the time through these years. I always be beside you. So please bear for some more time. Think positive. Because of the ones who love you so so much."

"Taehyung!" I smiled and kissed his temple.
"Now let's go and have dinner yeah? Here have best lobsters." He smiled to me.
"I will!"
"I will fight for the people who love me and I love them." I smiled and hold him tight. I never ever will leave your side.

Heyyyyyy! Did you like it? Hope you enjoy!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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