Chapter 8 - Down the Mountain

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"You bastard." David spat, struggling against Grimmel's hold. "How could you? I hired you in good faith!"

I had no words for the situation. Honestly, how could I have expected anything different to happen? It had been going so smoothly I should have realized something like this was bound to happen. That knowledge didn't quiet the crushing disappointment and sorrow I felt, however. Was everyone in my life meant to hand me over to the wolves?

"Quiet, old man." Grimmel struck David on the head, causing him to crumple on the ground. "Did you honestly think anyone would be foolish enough to lead you up here for such a paltry sum?"

My mind went back to Skart answer when I had asked him why it had cost so little for us to hire him: "Because I need the money." In the end, that was all it had been about. His desire for the king's money had propelled him to gain our trust only to betray us at the optimal moment.

"I never meant—" Skart's voice was small like a child's. "It—"

"Oh, shut up and find a branch sturdy enough to carry her, you oaf." Grimmel said.

I understood then that they meant to carry me back to the palace bound to a pole like a hunter's prey. I would be proffered to King Erik like some kind of trophy for him to skin and parade about as a warning for any who thought being free of him was possible. There would be no one to mourn or even remember me, because I was a nameless peasant with no identity.

In a few moments, Skart returned with a sturdy branch, and the soldiers quickly threaded it through my bound arms and legs. Tears of humiliation welled in my eyes as they tied me neatly in place. For a few blessed months, I had thought I was free from being treated like I was worthless, but there would be no more avoiding reality.

"We're ready, captain." One of the soldiers said when they had finished.

"Good." Grimmel hoisted David off the ground with one hand. "You know, I can't help thinking we're not travelling light enough. With all this cargo, it'll be an age before we reach King Erik."

"Sir?" The soldier raised a confused brow. "Should we empty some of our packs?"

"Of course not." Grimmel looked me right in the eye. "King Erik only asked us to bring one of them back."

With a flick of his wrist, he plunged his dagger into David's side. A shriek escaped my lips, and I fought with my bonds like a wild thing as he flung David's limp body to the ground. The old man who had almost been a second father figure to me coughed and turned his gaze toward me. He tried to give me a comforting smile, but my vision was too blurred by tears to fully see it. This couldn't be happening. I had to be dreaming.

"Grimmel!" Skart bellowed, closing the distance between David and himself.

"Oh, please. Don't pretend to have a conscious now. You knew what you were getting into when we offered to pay you." Grimmel rolled his eyes, cleaning off the blade of his dagger.

"I never agreed to helping you kill anyone." Skart growled, pressing a hand against David's wound to stop the blood flow.

"And as you can see: he's not dead. The wild beasts will take care of him; I only helped them along." Grimmel snorted. "Now, let's go."

Skart rose reluctantly, and my sobs ebbed in mute horror as they lifted me up, blocking my view of David's bloody body. This never would have happened if not for me. I should never have agreed to have him come along with me.

"No!" I struggled weakly against my bonds, but it was no use.

The soldiers fell in around me, blocking my last view of the man who had served me without question. This was the thanks he received for all that he had done for my family. My body went limp, and I wept. There was no hope for me now.

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